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Police check / criminal record


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Hi all


Trust you're all doing ok :)


So on the Australian immigration website, it says something along the lines of having a police check for anything from 16 and over.


Does this mean they don't consider anything below 16?


At the age of 10 I was 'warned' for Burglary and Theft due to a few of us messing around on school grounds.


Since then I have been volunteering in the Police for two years as a Special Constable, thus have security clearance etc.


Do you think this will have an effect on my 189 Skilled Independent Visa?


Obviously when I request my Police Check from ACPO, they show everything and anything to do with you but on the Immi.gov.au website it says anything from 16 and over.


Any ideas? Thanks :)

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It will likely come up on the police cert as No Live Trace meaning there was something small but not relevant. Same happened with me and I have now had to request an access report which lists everything from your archive.


If it was from when you was 10 and there was no conviction, you will most likely be OK. Worth declaring it though as if you don't and it shows up it could be worse.


I am no agent though so please don take my advise as def, always refer to a registered agent if unsure.

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It's not classed as a criminal conviction though - that's my only point. Plus I can barely remember what even happened. I had just literally turned 10. Right at the age of criminal responsibility!


When a PNC (police national computer) check has been made on me before by police, it does bring it up from 2004.


Obviously working in the police and doing checks on people myself, I can tell you that EVERYTHING does come up. Even if you've been arrested and no further action was taken.


I'm not worried. I can provide good character references if needed and hopefully, they will also take into account that I was 10 years old at the time.

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Of course I will disclose it. Honesty and integrity is a big thing of mine.


Thanks for the advice!

Well its good to see you've come to your senses!:wink:I would declare it.It'll be worse if you don't.You'll have some explaining to do to Immi if you don't!

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