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Early days but hoping to head for Brisbane


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Just thought I'd say hello and a thanks generally to all the authors of the many posts I've read over the last few months (I've been lurking a while!). Reading those posts, including the often opposing views, really helps to understand the pros and cons from different perspectives and I'm sure that if we're fortunate enough to end up being granted visas, it will make our journey even more successful.


We're at the early stages but just received a successful assessment from the ACS which will support my 189 application. I'm taking the IELTS test soon and if that goes well I'll be ready to submit the EOI.


Although it will ultimately be governed by jobs (and getting a visa in the first place of course!), we'd really like to make our next home in Brisbane as not only do we find it beautiful and varied, we also have a slight head start with a couple of friends and family there.


Fingers crossed.......

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Hi Wirephobia


We also have friends and family in Brisbane, but not yet decided where set up home.


I have just applied for my ACS skills assessment - just out of interest how long did yours take to come through?


Planning to take the PTE academic exam instead of IELTS as turnaround is supposed to be quicker.

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