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student visa - processing and financials


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Hi all,


Sorry for the constant posts. Im also posting for a couple of people who do not have internet access. My question this time was in relation to student visas and financial requirements.

I know students are required to be able to provide proof of living costs, tuition fees and travel costs however do they have to provide this proof only for the first year of their stay or for all the duration of stay.

I have a friend who has applied to a couple of unis in Australia and is planning to bring his family. Would he need to provide requirements for all his family members for three years of study?

Also if he is accepted for streamlined visa processing will his application be processed as the same time as his families?


Ive also had an agent tell me that Even if my friends family does not accompany him to Australia, he will still need to provide evidence that he has the financial ability to support them here. Is this true?

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I would imagine it is true, and yes to the three years. They want to know you are not going to come and work illegally to fund the course. One year would seem a bit pointless. There were only two of us, and tafe fees which are much cheaper that uni, and we could only cover living costs, not course fees through part time work.

The whole families visas will be issued at the same time.

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The specifics of the financial requirements for a Student visa (i.e. acceptable sources of funds, the period of time it must cover etc) depend on the student's Assessment Level. There is no 'one size fits all' answer. Visas for all applicants included on the application will be granted at the same time. Students must show that they have the financial ability to support their dependents whether or not those dependents will be coming to Australia.

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