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Difference between academic transcripts and exam results?


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Sorry if this is a dumb question but I'd be grateful if someone could explain the difference. I'm able to obtain a schedule of my accountancy exams which details the name of the paper, the date sat, the mark achieved and whether that was a pass or a fail.


However, the skills assessments for ICAA and CPA ask for academic transcripts and I just wanted to be sure what the difference was so that I know what to ask for. The accounting body which I've sat my exams with unhelpfully don't have an option to order/access your transcripts on their website so I'm going to have to call up tomorrow.


Thanks in advance :)

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Transcripts are your final score or result from the subject. Most subjects taken at university include a combination of exam and assignment marks giving a final score. Just giving the exam score suggests to immigration that you actually failed the subject overall and just passed the exam component. The transcript will also indicate....passed all requirements of degree or certificate on this date.


the syllabus tell them what is covered in the subject and this may also be needed.

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Which accountancy body are you with? For my ACCA I was required to send in the exam transcript, a letter of good standing and my membership certificate. I did need to call them but they provided these pretty quicker by email (I already had the membership certificate) at no cost.

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I'm with ICAEW. I've got an online download of my exam transcripts (shows name of paper, date sat, mark achieved and whether it was a pass or fail) and I've also got copies of my results letters (essentially showing the same thing) and my signed off training records (showing that I've met the other parts of the qualification - probs not necessary lol). I'm in the process of trying to get copies of exam syllabi for the dates I sat the papers too.


When ACCA emailed you the details, did you need to get them certified? It seems odd to print something, get it certified and then scan it in.

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I'm with ICAEW. I've got an online download of my exam transcripts (shows name of paper, date sat, mark achieved and whether it was a pass or fail) and I've also got copies of my results letters (essentially showing the same thing) and my signed off training records (showing that I've met the other parts of the qualification - probs not necessary lol). I'm in the process of trying to get copies of exam syllabi for the dates I sat the papers too.


When ACCA emailed you the details, did you need to get them certified? It seems odd to print something, get it certified and then scan it in.


Have you been advised you need the exam syllabi? I am just surprised as I would think the exam transcript would be fine. I did not get them certified, i just scanned them colour copies and that was fine (I went through ICAA so not sure if CPA would be different)

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I'm looking to go with ICAA so it's good to know that you didn't need to get everything certified. I wasn't asked for exam syllabi but thought it would help in determining if the knowledge requirement was met :S


I did icaa and had them certified ($15~). A bit of a pain, didn't know color copies were enough. Do choose the fast track option(extra 50$). i had mine done within 6 working days, so fast.

do get your eoi in soon, looks like the occupational ceiling is drawing ever closer for this year.

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