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Podiatry Registration, AHPRA, Pod board of Aus, Aus Pod council! Where do I even start!?


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So, I can't even believe I'm writing this post, but; almost 4 years on, I'm hopefully only 2 exams away from qualifying as a Podiatrist! Can you actually believe that? I've still got to write my dissertation, but we won't talk about that! Haha.


Anyway, As I get ever closer to becoming a Podiatrist, I have been looking into the process of registering my skills so that I can work in Australia, as has always sort of been the plan.


I don't know about visas or anything yet, I still fancy coming out on a WHV and seeing how I like it, but I'll still need all the relevant bits of paper, so my main question, is where do I even start?


Who do I contact and what should I expect? Am I right in thinking I need to have my HCPC registration here in the UK before I can apply for the Australian equivalent? I am hoping my UK reg should be here sometime in August.


Oh I'm so confused haha, I don't know how long the process might take, if i can start looking at visas before get my registration, can I start making tentative job inquiries?


Any way anyone might be able to break the steps down at all, would be greatly appreciated, maybe @littlesarah is still on the forum?


Sorry its been so long since I've been active, but I've been working 3 jobs to get through Uni and haven't really had any time to get online.


Anyway, thanks ever so much for taking the time to read this and I look forward to maybe getting that one step closer.


Wow, remember when I first came on here, I hadn't even got onto my access course at that point! Scary!

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Guest littlesarah
So, I can't even believe I'm writing this post, but; almost 4 years on, I'm hopefully only 2 exams away from qualifying as a Podiatrist! Can you actually believe that? I've still got to write my dissertation, but we won't talk about that! Haha.


Anyway, As I get ever closer to becoming a Podiatrist, I have been looking into the process of registering my skills so that I can work in Australia, as has always sort of been the plan.


I don't know about visas or anything yet, I still fancy coming out on a WHV and seeing how I like it, but I'll still need all the relevant bits of paper, so my main question, is where do I even start?


Who do I contact and what should I expect? Am I right in thinking I need to have my HCPC registration here in the UK before I can apply for the Australian equivalent? I am hoping my UK reg should be here sometime in August.


Oh I'm so confused haha, I don't know how long the process might take, if i can start looking at visas before get my registration, can I start making tentative job inquiries?


Any way anyone might be able to break the steps down at all, would be greatly appreciated, maybe @littlesarah is still on the forum?


Sorry its been so long since I've been active, but I've been working 3 jobs to get through Uni and haven't really had any time to get online.


Anyway, thanks ever so much for taking the time to read this and I look forward to maybe getting that one step closer.


Wow, remember when I first came on here, I hadn't even got onto my access course at that point! Scary!


Yes, I'm still around, though not as much as before I had the baby to take up nearly all my time!


If I were you, I'd get registration sorted before trying to get a job - just because it can take a little while to get things sorted and employers want job-ready podiatrists (in my experience). The requirements for registration can be found here: http://www.podiatryboard.gov.au/ It's a long time since I registered (about 10 years), but the people who deal with that are ANZPAC: http://www.anzpac.org.au/ You'll have to have your skills assessed by ANZPAC before you can become registered. It used to be the case that pods with less than 2 years post grad experience had to complete a practical skills assessment, but I don't know if that is still true. I'm sure the relevant websites will tell you. I can't remember what I needed for skills assessment and registration (I had to get a certificate of good standing, but I think that was for registration not skills assessment - so long ago I can't remember and don't have any of the documentation!). Bear in mind that you will need a medical if you wish to practise in Aus, regardless of your visa type.


As for visas, I think that podiatrist is still on the CSOL, but you'd need to check, and then figure out what type of visa you'd be eligible for. Even you decide to come on a WHV, it wouldn't hurt to know what your options are likely to be should you decide to stay longer. Bear in mind that employers with permanent positions usually prefer someone with a PR visa.


If you can, it would be a good idea to get some experience, because Australia is generating its own podiatry graduates, every single year (since the govt uncapped supported places institutions have increased intake and therefore output). Also, with that in mind, you should consider when you apply for registration because Dec/Jan is when the new grads are all trying to get registered so they can take up paid employment. Skills assessment should be OK at any time of year though (because domestic degrees are ANZPAC accredited).


Drop me a pm if you need more info (though I'm not sure how much help I can be, as everything has changed a lot since I registered and applied for my visa!).


Good luck with your exams - I'm sure you'll do great!



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Yes, I'm still around, though not as much as before I had the baby to take up nearly all my time!


If I were you, I'd get registration sorted before trying to get a job - just because it can take a little while to get things sorted and employers want job-ready podiatrists (in my experience). The requirements for registration can be found here: http://www.podiatryboard.gov.au/ It's a long time since I registered (about 10 years), but the people who deal with that are ANZPAC: http://www.anzpac.org.au/ You'll have to have your skills assessed by ANZPAC before you can become registered. It used to be the case that pods with less than 2 years post grad experience had to complete a practical skills assessment, but I don't know if that is still true. I'm sure the relevant websites will tell you. I can't remember what I needed for skills assessment and registration (I had to get a certificate of good standing, but I think that was for registration not skills assessment - so long ago I can't remember and don't have any of the documentation!). Bear in mind that you will need a medical if you wish to practise in Aus, regardless of your visa type.


As for visas, I think that podiatrist is still on the CSOL, but you'd need to check, and then figure out what type of visa you'd be eligible for. Even you decide to come on a WHV, it wouldn't hurt to know what your options are likely to be should you decide to stay longer. Bear in mind that employers with permanent positions usually prefer someone with a PR visa.


If you can, it would be a good idea to get some experience, because Australia is generating its own podiatry graduates, every single year (since the govt uncapped supported places institutions have increased intake and therefore output). Also, with that in mind, you should consider when you apply for registration because Dec/Jan is when the new grads are all trying to get registered so they can take up paid employment. Skills assessment should be OK at any time of year though (because domestic degrees are ANZPAC accredited).


Drop me a pm if you need more info (though I'm not sure how much help I can be, as everything has changed a lot since I registered and applied for my visa!).


Good luck with your exams - I'm sure you'll do great!




Thank you sooo much. That is so helpful! :D x


Glad your doing great!

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