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Hi i was just wondering if anyone has any quotes for shipping there animals .... we have 3 dogs and 3 cats so know its going to be expensive just waiting on our first quote but would love to hear from anyone regarding how much they have paid and who they have used ...... thanks in advance :)

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Hi emma


Key thing is to make sure you get the rabies work started nice and early as it needs starting at least 7 months before the flight.


The quotes are all about the detail - check who includes what, who offers what, how big the crates are and so to compare them properly you have to look at them really well. It is really easy to get your price down by making the crates smaller, but then the pets dont have so much room.


Make sure you let us all know how you get on



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Hi bob ,

And thanks for the quick reply .... we moved back to the uk july last yr and we still have the crates that jetpets provided but not sure if another company would use them .... all 6 of them had there rabies jabs march 2014 but from what i have read they will have to have the blood work done to make sure they still have enough of it in there blood is that so ????

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Yes they need the blood samples to check for antibodies and this needs to be done at least 6 months before flight.


They also need to have (ideally) rabies vaccines within 12 months of the flight date, so it is worth going to the vets and getting rabies vaccines and rabies blood samples on the same day and then if any of them fail, at least the rabies vaccine will already be doing its work to get the antibodies up.

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  • 1 month later...

HHmmm! Pretty sure we were not at an expo past week, so not us:)

But by the time you are all done with all of the fees (vets, quarantine, permit, maybe an internal flight etc etc) then yes, it is going to be around £3500-£4000 for a shih tzu sized dog.

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