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Social work jobs


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Just waiting for visa and looking into the job market for social workers.


My OH is a social worker, specialising in disability. We are moving to Brisbane or Sunshine Coast area. From looking at the website there aren't many posts from social workers. If anyone has suggestions re job search it would be most welcome :-)


OH is currently looking at jobs with Queensland Health, but are there any agencies that you would suggest? Although Reed had a recruitment drive for social workers a few years ago, this seems to have dried up. If anyone is working as a social worker in QLD, whatever the field, please do get in touch - it would be good to hear a bit more about it.


OH is aware the social work is a bit different in Australia but is up for the challenge - just needs to secure a job!!


Thanks in advance.

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HAs your OH checked the government sites? Seek? You do know it is called Case worker or case manager? NGO and government jobs also?


I am not out there but have a friend in NSW and one in Queensland, both report positively on the job front there. What kinds things does your OH want to ?

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Lots of community mental health social worker jobs in qld..case managers..can be nursing, Ots, psychologists or social workers..qld health website got some advertised now. .harder to get jobs wth qld health in brisbane thpugh as more competition. .might b easier when u here

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Thanks for the replies. Good to hear that positive reports on the job front. OH keen to remain in disability or mental health work, rather than child protection. Tricky situation because better chance of getting a job when we get over there but we can't risk going over without a job!

OH will start uploading the CVs and see what happens. To a certain extent getting anything would be good and then can move sideways or upwards once he has got a foot in the door.

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