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189 visa application - question on Previous travel to Australia


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I applied 189 visa a year visa and my application was reject due to points dispute on ACS assessment and my experience. I have applied again after completing required work experience and got invitation for visa application. Whilst I was filling the application , I had a doubt on the section "Previous travel to Australia" . It talks about previous visa application as well. Therefore , I am thinking I should say "yes" eventhough I have never traveled to Australia . If I say yes , it asks about previous grants , previous visa etc . As the visa was rejected , I do not any such information . Could you suggest whether I should say and mark subsequent questions as "No" ( Previous grant , Previous visa etc )




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If you haven't been to Australia, then the answer is No. The question about the visa would be regarding which visa you arrived on (e.g. visitor). There is usually another question somewhere asking if you've ever had a visa application rejected, a visa cancelled, etc. and there you can answer Yes and give any details.

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