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Ok I need anything you can throw at me, that's positive preferably, please.


we are moving back to the UK in around 12 months.


my husband is british, our two children we wil be getting British passports for. I'll need to apply for spouse visa.


meeting the requirements shouldn't be an issue but the whole process is stressing me out.


then there is the fact that we need to find my mother other accommodation - she currently lives with us.


sell everything we own as we aren't taking anything but clothes and a few sentimental items.


Find our dog a new home and quite possibly have to put down my twenty year old cat.


find my husband a job in the UK.


Figure out schooling options for our children


Work out a time line of when to do what.


is there anyone who has been a renter here in Oz and had to go through this process, I feel the circumstances are different to those that own and I could really do with hearing some similar stories.


or does anyone have any general advice to offer? I'm all ears :)



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Are you sure meeting the requirements for a spouse visa shouldn't be a problem?


I ask because you say your husband will need to find a job.

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We won't be submitting my visa application until my husband has found a job in the UK. Given his lengthy employment in Oz the new job will then help us meet the financial requirements. The only thing to do then is find a rental, again we won't submit my application until we have that as we'll need the address - something I'm still looking into.

so Once we've got all that the requirements won't be an issue.

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Could be many stumbling blocks as we are all different. For example, have you lived in the UK?. Living and visiting are two different things. What if you do not like it?. How old are your children? You will need start up money just like when migrating in reverse, in fact all the things that apply to coming here apply to going to live there. Age and pensions, if middle aged pension is a thing that needs to be considered as it may seem a way off but with children and life in general, one day we wake up and its upon us and its too late to make a change then.


Good luck lots to think about.

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We won't be submitting my visa application until my husband has found a job in the UK. Given his lengthy employment in Oz the new job will then help us meet the financial requirements. The only thing to do then is find a rental, again we won't submit my application until we have that as we'll need the address - something I'm still looking into.

so Once we've got all that the requirements won't be an issue.


Okay that's fine then - I was worried you thought he could find a job once you were there - it is going to be difficult, but certainly not impossible to get a job in the UK from Australia (at least two members of this forum have done it recently so definitely can be done, although a lot will depend on the field he is in).


To be honest everything else you mention is exactly what everyone else migrating or returning goes though. I'm a manager and used to project planning so I had a list of tasks, milestones and the dependencies between things - we wanted our Australian citizenship before we left so there was a number of things we had to do to achieve that and we couldn't book flights home until we had it. We had a house to sell too so that also had to happen first (& a number of things we had to to to achieve that). Being a renter in Australia actually makes it easier, you can simply give notice when you are ready to leave - ideally plan to leave at the end of a lease or renew on a month by month basis if you can.


You have the basic list of things you need to do - try ordering them, putting the dates you wish to achieve them by etc. and start breaking them down into smaller tasks. I had it all in a Microsoft project plan so as one date moved the others adjusted automatically but a big sheet of paper and a pen would do the job just as well!!


I do think it will be very hard to get a proper rental before you leave - will a holiday rental suffice the address requirement? If you really must have a 'permanent' address then consider a relocation agent, a landlord/agency may we more willing to deal with you then - in lots of cases because you won't have a credit rating you will need to pay 6 months rent up front.


Unless you are considering private (much more expensive in the UK) then schools are catchment area based - before agreeing to a rental you need to find out about the catchment area schools for the age of your children - and any they would subsequently move on to. In the UK most children go through schooling with the same group on friends there is far less movement than in Perth where the mix of state/private/catholic schools means often a high school class has lots of new children.


We had an 18 year old cat when we moved to Perth and found a foster parent - we retained all financial responsibility - paid all vets bills, food etc. but she lived with my friend. She did really well and as my friend was at home all day actually had a better last couple of years than she would have had with us.


You could bring your dog, there is no quarantine in the UK but obviously it costs a fair bit.

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is there anyone who has been a renter here in Oz and had to go through this process





Actually, being a renter is an advantage because you'll have references to offer your new landlord in the UK, which will be helpful. Ask your current landlord to give you a written reference.


Are you sure you've researched what you should ship - check out Movecube and ask yourself whether it might not be worth filling one with some essentials. Don't think about how much your stuff is "worth", think about how much it's going to cost to replace it all when you get to the UK.


A couple of points about the spouse visa - make sure you fill in Appendix 2 as well as the online form. The website doesn't mention it but you do need it.


As for the address in the UK - all they want to know is that you're not going to be overcrowded. I spoke to my sister, who has a spare bedroom, and she was happy for me to give her address. Do you have any relatives in the UK who could do the same for you?

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Thank you all for your replies.


beach pig my mother is not coming with us, in fact getting away from her is a huge bonus to moving, harsh I know but we're not close. She is deciding to be difficult about having to move though.


petals I've had a couple of trips to the UK and I know I love it there, as do our kids. We realise there will be a settling in period for sure, a lot of things will be different but we're going to give it a try. the reason we are not going till next July is to make sure we have enough put aside in savings to cover anything that comes up. It's not a decision we decided on over night, it's been in the books for a few years and now we've just settled on a date. Thank you for being the voice of reason :)


lady rainicorn i have lists coming out my ears :) it's frustrating me that there is so much to do but nothing I can really do right now. We have been thinking about looking into private rentals, do you think it would be just as hard as going through an agent? I was hoping a private rental would be happy with seeing references and such and may not require 6 months in advance.

we just took my cat to the vet for his check up and we sadly had to make an appointment to have him put to sleep, I feel terrible I thought he was just getting fussy with old age I didn't realise he was so unwell :(

we'll be getting my husbands citizenship process started soon as I know local councils can make you wait months for a ceremony.


marisawright we have looked into the costs for and against shipping everything and selling everything. Really for us it just seemed easier to sell it all and slowly start over once in the UK. It might be harder than we imagine but it's one decision we are happy with.

with using your sisters address, did you actually physically stay with her or just use her address to get the visa? Also was the address within the same area as the job you listed?

i ask because we have family in Herefordshire who have enough room to pass the address requirement but my husband isn't likely to get a job in the area. Do you think we could still use a family members address or would that raise red flags??


thank you all again for your help and advice:)

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marisawright we have looked into the costs for and against shipping everything and selling everything. Really for us it just seemed easier to sell it all and slowly start over once in the UK. It might be harder than we imagine but it's one decision we are happy with.

with using your sisters address, did you actually physically stay with her or just use her address to get the visa? Also was the address within the same area as the job you listed?



We haven't gone yet! We're lucky as we have enough savings to meet the income requirements so haven't had to worry about a job. We have no intention of living with my sister: as far as we can see, the important thing is to get the visa - after it's granted, they're not going to come checking on where we're living. In fact we'll be going to the opposite end of the country. I can see how having an address miles from the job would raise a red flag - I did wonder when we filled out the form, how on earth most people manage that part of the criteria. It's extremely hard to get a rental in the UK from Australia, and risky as well.


As for the shipping - it's one thing that sticks vividly in my mind from my arrival in Australia. I left behind everything except clothes, thinking that most of my furniture/crockery/cutlery/linen/kitchen stuff etc was old and not worth bringing. I was absolutely stunned at how much it cost me to set up house again - and it was all the little things that cost a bomb to replace, yet wouldn't have cost much to ship. This time around (going back to the UK), I'll be taking a lot of small stuff with me, especially high cost items like paintings, my good pots and pans and cutlery.

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Marisawright - the address bit is probably my biggest stress at the moment. It's a catch 22 you can't get the visa without the address but you can't get an address without a visa, fingers crossed and hoping for a miracle :)


as for our stuff we'll be taking a few things. I have a rather large Disney collection that I'm shipping in parts to a friend to store for me and my husband has a collection of his own that we'll do the same with but apart from that we're not very materialistic people and we do love thrift shopping. To be honest I'm looking forward at starting from scratch with a whole new country of thrift stores to explore :)

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Marisawright - the address bit is probably my biggest stress at the moment. It's a catch 22 you can't get the visa without the address but you can't get an address without a visa, fingers crossed and hoping for a miracle :)


as for our stuff we'll be taking a few things. I have a rather large Disney collection that I'm shipping in parts to a friend to store for me and my husband has a collection of his own that we'll do the same with but apart from that we're not very materialistic people and we do love thrift shopping. To be honest I'm looking forward at starting from scratch with a whole new country of thrift stores to explore :)


I'd advise sitting down and adding up what the postage/freight will cost for those things. You may be cheaper with a Movecube (they do small ones) that shipping things piecemeal.

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