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Help with Visa.


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On Wednesday i sent my application for my visa, subclass 417. Ever since i did, i have been worried that i have done something wrong. Such as being asked to provide information on my medical, yet when i read about this, being from the UK, it said that this was not required. Was this something i should of done/should do and try and attach to my application?

Secondly, when I checked out my application, under status is said 'finalized'. Does this just refer to my application being complete and awaiting approval? Or has the application been processed?

I know it has only been 2 days since i sent away my application, and I am becoming paranoid, I just cant afford to have made a £200 mistake. As i said, it has only been 2 days, do people know the average waiting time of the applications, a the official website says 'up to 6 days', is it likely that i will be waiting 6 days or will it be sooner?


Any help would be greatly appreciated, as my mind is in 40 places, and i may need more help, but as a star, and help on this would be great.





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I did mine on Monday and it was done inside 12 hours, I have had the money taken off me you get a email sent to you telling you have been granted a visa and you get a visa grant number that you need to keep with you.



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Medicals can be requested for WHV if you have stated that you will work with children or in medical profession but if you have stated the work will be casual,or hospitality a medical will not be requested.


If you have any criminal history applications can take longer.


Try not to worry about it, generally if they're is something required it is requested quickly.

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