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Partner visa 309/100 - children dependent or not?


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Ok I'm getting confused now. I'm applying for the 301/100 as my husband is Aussie. We have 2 children. Before I submit the application they will have Aus citizenship by descent and Aus passports.

The form asks you to put down all your children

No problem. Just those 2. But it asks are they migrating with you?

They are certainly coming with us....but are they migrating? They are Aus citizens in their own right. So do you tick yes or no?

Someone on Another thread said they're not included on the application but they had to put down the kids aus passport numbers....i cant see the bit on the form for that...it is late though here!!

Also will they need to have medicals as my dependents? Blurb says all dependents need medicals. Do Aussie passport holding children have to have medicals too??

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Hey Bound4Tassie - Kids who are citizens don't get included on your application in that section. No, they don't need medicals - they're citizens. You provide their birth certificates, photos, etc. as evidence, but they don't get included on your application in that section or the CO will think they need visas/medicals as well. They really need to design the system better, IMO. It's too confusing when you have citizen kids.

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