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Getting Documents Certified for TRA Migration Skills Assessment

Deano Nicholson

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Afternoon all,


I'm currently in the process of completing a TRA Migration Skills Assessment to enable me apply for a 189 visa. I'm having trouble understanding who I could get to certify documents such as copies of Passport & Certificates/Qualification. Is it as easy as just paying a local solicitor to do this for me??


Any other hints/tips would also be much appreciated




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I got my skills assessed through TRA and I got all my documents certified through a solicitor. He was actually cheap as he charged me £20 for the whole lot rather than £5 per page. Ask around how much they will charge to certify everything. i got everything certified from passport copy to three years bank statements and payslip copies.

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I got my skills assessed through TRA and I got all my documents certified through a solicitor. He was actually cheap as he charged me £20 for the whole lot rather than £5 per page. Ask around how much they will charge to certify everything. i got everything certified from passport copy to three years bank statements and payslip copies.


Do you think I would do ours????? That's cheap as chips!!!! Bargain of the century x

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