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Want to move to Oz


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Hi to everyone on here and thank you for letting me join you all ,

I work for a pest control company very well know all over the world I have been in touch with my employer in Australia and he has told me if I was to go over to Australia there would be a job for me (if they can't find a Australian citizen to do it first of course) but I want to apply for a visa myself but how do I do it it seems so confusing where do I get the visa application from how do I know which application to ask for my job pest control isn't on the sol list but yet the visa agents Ive spoken to say they are crying out for pest control guys in oz (Is this the agent trying to sell) we don't have grandparents to leave our kids with to go to one of these migration conventions so we are trying to do everything on the internet and it's getting a little stressful and I know it will get more stressful as we go on even something like a shopping list with prices on we can't find one anywhere

thanks in advance for your reply


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the visa agents Ive spoken to say they are crying out for pest control guys in oz



I'm a bit sceptical about this given that there are 775,000 unemployed people in Australia at the moment.


even something like a shopping list with prices on we can't find one anywhere


If you mean grocery prices, these are the online portals for the 2 major supermarkets in Oz:




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If the job isn't on the sol or csol then you can't be sponsored.

It makes no difference that they might be crying out for workers. It has to be on one of those lists.


What does your partner do?


If the occupation is not on SOL/CSOL, then the only chance could be an employer sponsorship (RSMS187) in regional Australia if that occupation is of ANZSCO skill level 1,2 or 3.

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Hi to everyone

thank you for all the replies I have sent a email to my Australian talent scout he has asked me for my up dated cv he is going to see about sponsoring me way hay my fingers are crossed. I have found out quite a bit of useful stuff on here, what a great website how the hell did people cope before this website was set up absolutely fantastic

thank you all once again

J & J


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First, note that my comments are a form of public service – a lot of people think I am a negative nelly. Not the case. I just like to highlight the real world to people as a pose to what channel 4 tells you.

Immigration in Aus is a business, a very very big business. Google the term ‘population ponzi’ and have a read of some definitions. Your agent couldn’t care less if there are 800,000 unemployed people in Aus already as they are in business – they want to take your money.

There are two main big businesses in Aus, what is referred to as the ‘politico housing complex’ also known as the FIRE sector and the core finance industry – that’s it.

Aus is going through a massive set of alterations at the moment, primarily due to ‘dutch disease’ which is basically an over reliance on one industry (iron ore mining) at the detriment of others. The days of being able to come here and have a life that is ‘better’ than that in the UK no longer apply – they really really don’t. It is nice and sunny and warm – that’s it.

Some examples;

In NSW you will pay around $1200 bucks to register the car – then with the exception of a tiny minority, all new roads that are being built are toll roads…… That’s just 1x example of how the country is changing….. 100% not for the better IMO. Note, IMO.

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