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How long to get first time tax refund? Paper forms submitted start of October.... Not a peep..


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My husband is still waiting for his tax refund. Accountant had to do it on paper as it was the first time he had done one. When he enters his tfn no on the ATO tracking search thingy it says they received his paper application but not to contact them again until end of December. Accountant was convinced he would have his refund in 3 weeks as they usually have 30 days or so to get the money into your account. He was hoping the refund would be in before Christmas (obviously) but it is looking slim now.


How long did it take to get your first tax refund if it was done on paper?

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It was my first time too and I had to do a paper submission. My online account was created and linked successfully, it just wouldn't accept a submission and speaking to ATO bods confirmed this. I received my tax refund within the tail-end of that 50 day timeline.


It was a very straight forward submission, so certainly didn't need a tax agent in this case!

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