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how to apply for citizenship


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So I think I am finally eligible for citizenship - arrived in Oz in Oct 2010 on WHV. Got PR in Feb 2013 so this Oct 2014 I completed my 4 years in Oz including 1 year on PR. I also meet the other general requirements i.e. not spent more than 3 months out of Oz or have any criminal convictions, am healthy, am 28 years old (not sure if that matters).


However I have no idea where to start and was wondering if someone could point in the right direction - how should I apply for citizenship and how much money should I budget and roughly how much will it cost.


Also, I am going on holiday for 3 weeks at the end of Jan. Is it worth waiting till I come back before I apply. And a final question - are there any drawbacks for applying for citizenship. I should mention I decided to go back to Uni here and am currently studying. I study part time by correspondence. I pay my fees up-front and don't get HECS or anything (I think hecs is the same as a student loan back at home right?) however my course is commonwealth supported meaning the fees are subsidised. Would this arrangement change if I become a citizen.


Also roughly how long does it take for the whole process. I live in Perth if that matters.



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Download the form and read the directions. Get 2 passport-style photos and save the necessary documents to demonstrate your eligibility for naturalization. Use the document checklist to make sure you collect all the required documents.Download the form and read the directions. Get 2 passport-style photos and save the necessary documents to demonstrate your eligibility for naturalization. Use the document checklist to make sure you collect all the required documents.


Thank You.

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All you need to know is here - http://www.citizenship.gov.au/ For those from a similar cultural background, the test is not difficult. You have 40 or 45 minutes for 20 questions. I came out in under 5 with 100%. You should read the online book/watch the YouTube videos which takes 2/3 hours to get a good mark!


As for University - it will save you money. As a citizen you will be entitle to HECS-Help. As a citizen and paying up front (should you wish to continue to do that) you will get 10% discount. That'll help pay for the citizenship which I seem to recall is in the $280 area.

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