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Legitamate Job?


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Hi there is a job advertised on Australia-migration.com

has anyone heard of these people, im guessing they are migration agents. The job sounds too good to be true so just thought id check before handing over all our details.


I have no reason to suspect they are not legit! Just being over cautious probably :-)

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I have never heard of this company. I checked their website and couldn't see any indication that they are MARA registered. The universal advice on PIO is to use only an agent with MARA registration.


I was a bit bemused by the heading "Living in Aussie". "Aussie" is a colloquial term for an Australian person - not for the country. Anyone claiming to be an expert on the country should know this.


I couldn't find any reference to a job. What type is it?

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I'm not sure BUT I would caution you as they openly say "Our head office is in the USA, and we have offices in Australia" and their website does not really give you confidence.


Australian Immigration Law and procedures are complex and if I was looking for advice I would be looking for an Agency thats main focus is in Australia.


There are LOTS of them out there, so I'm not sure why you would look at a Non-Australian one?


I would also suggest doing research of them on LinkedIn, you want to know who the Directors and REAL people behind the organisation are.


PLUS it is also a requirement that to give Migration advice they are Registered, see the Department of Immigration Website (which has a LOT of good info on it).


Good luck, but remember the old addage, "if it smells like a duck, sounds like a duck and Looks like a duck, it probably is a duck", I'm not saying thats the case with the company you are talking about but it sounds like you allready know the answer.

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