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Packing Computers


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Anyone who has sent PCs via container/movecube/whatever can you help me with some info please?


Basically I was going to break down the components i.e. hard drives, graphics card and pack them separately/securely. Would customs need/want to start up the PC or see what is on the disks? Not that there will be anything 'dodgy' on them just rather them not unpack, plug in etc; just in case they are heavy handed.


If they would do any of the above then I will just leave it connected and pack a load of packaging inside the case, with a warning on the outside.


Thanks in advance.


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sure it'll be fine, they are generally looking for plant / bio stuff.


i'd be tempted to transport it on its side with the sockets USB's video etc (ergo motherboard) at the bottom.

this should result in less stress and strain transmitted through the slots during movement.

i'd also remove the hard drive, put in in a caddy (less than £15 at computer store) and bring that in my hand luggage.

obviously backup too. pack the backup and the main drive in separate pieces of hand luggage. you can usually take a case, a piece of hand luggage AND a laptop bag on most international flights.

that way in the remote possibility the worst happens, you pretty much still have your pc :)

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Yeah was thinking about taking a backup in my hand luggage. Have a smaller hard drive with some shows to watch on me most days so wont be too much bother to carry another.


I thought about laying it flat as that seemed the safest for the socket, was jut concerned that they would unpack/repack everything and breakages will occur.



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