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457 to 820..what if denied


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Hi there,


I was on a 457 visa when I lodged my 820 partner, I probably will not hear back from my 820 partner visa until earliest April 2015 because of the long processing times

since lodging this, I was made redundant on my 457, however I have found a new sponsor for my 457 to enable me to work


my question is...


I get a new 457 visa contract until 2018, once my 820 first stage comes back approved, will that cancel my 457 entitlement until 2018? say if me and my partner were to break up (hope not!) before immigration get back to me for more proof in 2 years, if were not together or denied the visa after 2 years, can I fall back on my 457 contract?


Sorry if this confuses anyone!


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Yes, your 820 would override the 457 and if you split up with your partner, you would not automatically be able to fall back on a 457. You can only hold one visa at once. But if you are in a steady job that you got through a 457, it is likely (but not certain) that if the worst happened, your employer would put you on another 457. Generally, it is best not to split up when on an 820.

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