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Should we move back??


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I have heard many for the for and against.If you feel you want your family,friends around you,have a job and home to go to life is too short to be unhappy.If you both agree home is where the heart is.You gave it a shot and found the grass was not greener.Enjoy each other and value your friends and family .Wishing you al the best.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi all

well here is my story...we only been her just over 4 months, but from before we came it's been a difficult time.. We were all set to come end of May this year but my dad took very ill so we postpone for a few weeks to see how things were going to go..anyway after weeks in hospital and lots of waiting to see what was wrong, we finally got some answers. We were unsure of what to do as he was still poorly (slightly improving) our deadline was coming up to be in Oz so we talked about flying in and out to activate visa. My dad just kept telling us to go for it.. Anyway in the end we did and have been here since July. Hardest decision ever to make.. He continued to improve which was good news but then relapsed ended back in hospital for few weeks. All was going good but now he's been diagnosed with cancer :( which can be treatable but with his existing illness makes it more difficult. I'm missing all my family in UK and really want to go home. My oh is also thinking the same...we don't have people here we can talk too yet and we are feeling more and more isolated and wish I could just give my dad a hug. And support the rest of my family.. There are other reasons too that we are thinking of going home, but this is the main one.


i know now people will say we need to stay longer but it's like everything is against us....maybe just bad timing...

anyone been through similar situation?

Any advice appreciated.

thanks :)


Not exactly the same situation, but we only stayed in OZ 9 months (I fell pregnant unexpectedly, eldest son returned to UK, youngest struggling to settle & I couldn't settle as homesick & hormonal) I pretty much wanted to go home from the word go!! We have now been back 3 months and I have a wonderful baby boy born 8 Nov. I went with my heart and although hubby did not want to return to the UK we did. What you are saying does sound familiar to me, although now we are back I just wonder if I should have given it a bit longer...been braver and tried harder. But in my hormonal state I had to do what was right, but its a niggle now especially as it takes a lot to get out there. And with insight it was such a small amount of time/our lives there that It wouldn't have hurt to have stayed a little longer to see if we could have settled. Now we are going to see how we feel at the end of 1 year to see if we should go back and give it a real shot. That of course will eat into our funds but its certainly not a closed door (which makes hubby feel better!).

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