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Pathway to emigrating advice


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Hi guys I'm new to the forum. I'd like to get involved in the mining industry but I don't have any previous experience. I'll be using a 12 month working holiday visa and plan to work in regional Oz for 3 months to qualify for a second working holiday visa. I've looked at entry level jobs on the mines and if I could land one of these jobs I've got my foot in the door. I also plan to acquire the basic required certificates/tickets needed to work on a mine site while I'm out there. I'd need to gain experience either on a mine site or doing a job related outside a mine that could help me get a permanent role in the industry.


The plan is that by the end of the second working holiday visa, I will have gained enough work experience and acquired enough mining certificates/tickets to approach an employer and request employer sponsorship for a skilled occupation.

(I've read that mining employers are generally looking for senior/highly skilled workers that they can't find in Australia so that they'd sponsor a foreigner and the whole process is quite expensive for them, however I've read that if you can impress your/an employer with willingness and enthusiasm you can stand a change of them sponsoring you.


So could the plan work?

Am I going about it the right way?

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No. Your plan isn't going to work. You simply are not going to be skilled enough in a job on the csol or sol after two years of restricted work (and restricted training). Not to mention those jobs are getting harder and harder for people who are already trained to get in the mining industry. It's not the same as it was a few years ago.

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Mining jobs are disappearing quite rapidly at present and when one closes there are thousands of people competing for available jobs who have the 10-15 years experience. Short term 2-6 month roles are easier but unless you have an engineering degree getting sponorship even after working for a company for 18 months (given the average time working for a company is less than this) is getting harder and harder to find.

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