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Down Under Live - Expo


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Has anyone been to a Down Under Live expo recently? Booked tickets for 1 of the events this Saturday in Birmingham but starting to have second thoughts whether it's worh making the journey down or not as its a bit if a drive. Already started the visa process through an agent but it's advertised that recruiters and state Governments will be there to answer questions etc.


be be good to hear from anyone who has been and has any views on the event! thanks

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Personally I wouldn't bother if it's going to be a drive, you already have knowledge if the process and have an agent, these things are mainly for people that have no clue. Unless there is a recruiter that you specifically want to speak to they are mainly their looking for people to sponsor for temp visas in my experience.



We went went to one but was 5 mins from where we live, it was a industry specific (oil & gas) which is my oh occupation and we already had our visas, he did get a job offer out of it. But for myself the recruiters weren't very helpful.


Some me people have found them useful others think you can find all the information out online.

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Thanks for the reply. I think personally it would be more to speak to recruiters. I'm an electrician by trade but now work as an Operate technician (Powerstation Operator). Wanted to know what opportunities there are for someone with my skills. It's advertised that there will be recruiters there for Electricians. But that being said, in not after a sponsor as applying for the 189 visa.

What is it your OH does in the Oil and gas industry?

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Thanks for the reply. I think personally it would be more to speak to recruiters. I'm an electrician by trade but now work as an Operate technician (Powerstation Operator). Wanted to know what opportunities there are for someone with my skills. It's advertised that there will be recruiters there for Electricians. But that being said, in not after a sponsor as applying for the 189 visa.

What is it your OH does in the Oil and gas industry?

I would maybe see which specific recruiters there will be for you industry if it's just a broad generalisation you may find yourself waiting ages to speak to someone for 5 mins and not be much further forward. But I suppose if you don't go you will never know.


My my oh is a mechanical engineer, but now works offshore on pipe lay vessels, it was a onshore office job he was offer but didn't take in the end as they wanted us out in a month, it was nov and we had a 1 year old, we weren't ready to move that fast as our visas had just been granted 2 wks before, and lodged 6 weeks before that.

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Well I'm not going to be in a position to move anytime soon. Looking at August next yr. Hoping to get visas in Feb/March. Although if it was as quick as your visa's were granted could be earlier! I think your right though, if anything I'd be having a chat to someone for 5 mins and not be that much further forward. Maybe if I had my visa already it might be more beneficial. Are you based in Perth then if your OH works offshore?

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