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Advice on Sponsored PR, Underpaid and Works One Sided


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Hi there,


It's been a while since I invested the time in assessing my position here in Melbourne. 2 years ago (to the day) I touched down in Cairns for 6 months of traveling. I then got sponsored in Melbourne and that’s the end of the story to some extent.


When I first joined the company, the company paid me a silly salary however; when we agreed on the 457 my salary was reviewed. As time went on, I've had a list of issues with work. Poor management, somewhat bullying as I was apparently making Aussie's look bad at work.... If I have an hour I would give you the full extend but I would say, why did you put up with it?! Well, I love my life in Melbourne however, lately, I don’t think it's enough.


I have been advised that I would not get PR on my own. I do not hold a degree and my role is off the list. Work however, have said they could do it at a cost of $10,000 which includes their bloody expensive lawyer. Who the company uses is not open for discussions.

For this, the company will lock me in for 3 years. If I leave in year 1 it's 100%, year 2 50% and year 3 25%.


I can apply next October and work will confirm the above in April 2015.


This being said, I took a promotion in April to a Team Leader. After 5 years of poor management the job has taken its toll with difficult staff issues and more recently finding out other peoples pay.


I have never discussed pay until I became a manager.


I have 10 years insurance experience. I manage a team of 4 and am fully responsible for alot more senior roles however, my manager in summary doesn’t have the experience.


My senior claims advisor gets paid $72,000

I get paid as a manager $72,000


The previous team leader got paid $78,000 and the other team leader currently gets paid $85,000.


Basically, it's a classic attempt to take advantage of my position.


After 2 years of hard battling I am deflated and the decision now needs to be made about returning. I have been looking in Melbourne et al however, with my job off the list it makes it harder.


Has anyone else had the same issues. Any advice people could offer etc?


I would be grateful for everyone’s feedback.


I came here 2 years. I am now 27.

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Te first question is your status on the occupation list. You say it has come off the list, has it come off both lists - there are two. The sol and the csol. If it has only come off the sol but is still on the csol, then one way to go would be to see if any States are sponsoring the occupation and head down the path of a 190 visa yourself. If no states are sponsoring, then your only way to go is company sponsored. Either with your current company or find another job who are willing and able to sponsor. it is fairly normal for companies to put a clause in contracts for pr sponsorship that is you leave, you pay back. The terms you have been offered are about the same as I had.


If ithough your occupation is no longer on the csol, then no visa is available - including company sponsored or even a new 457.

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