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Big Richard

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Good evening from a rainy horrible cold damp dreary Kent.


Tonight I have a question about franchises: having done a huge amount of business research in Australia I have noticed that franchises seem to be very popular and I was wandering why?.


Interestingly according to the financial times some 64% of all new businesses in Australia are franchise opposed to just 14% in the UK?


A franchise is not something that I personally would be interested in as it wouldn't fit in with my business model


So why so popular in Oz?

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Hi again BR!Firstly is it really that bad in Kent weather wise?I've just recently spent 3 mths back in Adelaide (Had lived there for 30 yrs previously)and it was like living in India during the monsoon!My OH on the other hand was enjoying glorious warm summer weather back in the UK!Yes we've had some rain overnight here (Wilts)but we do really need it atm!You don't appreciate the rain until you've lived through a drought or two!:cute:

I'm sure someone had posted a franchise thread on this forum ages ago.I did try and find it for you to no avail.Anyway I did some googling and came across this...


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