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Child trust funds - uk


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We're planning on coming over feb/march next year.


my kids are 7&8 and have both the Child Trust Funds that the uk government opened about 10yrs ago, they can access it when they're 18. I stopped paying into these over a year ago as it wasn't worth paying into.


The visa is a 4yr visa, but our long term goal us to stay in Oz and eventually get residence then citizenship. Does anyone know what will happen to these savin funds? Will the kids just have to wait till they're 18 then sort a transfer out then? They were opened through Natwest in 06 & 07



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we have just arrived in oz, and to be honest there are so many things to sort out the child trust trust funds have been the last think on my mind!!I know they are important, we changed the correspondance address to grandparents In the uk.

The big things I suggest to sort are TRN, Medicare, bank accounts, oz driving license (everyone asks for it),

we are in Warnbro if you need any help, Jen xx

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We never really bothered with our girls Trust Fund accounts - the government opened them on our behalf because we didn't think that they were worth bothering about and did nothing about the vouchers when they arrived. We did notify them of our change in address when we moved over here (almost 6 years ago now), and they just send a statement once a year. I expect that it will be so much hassle to take the money out of the accounts once the girls turn 18 (including having to be in the UK to do so) that it won't be worth doing.

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