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PR Advice pre return to UK needed please


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Hi there, can anyone shed any light on the following. In short, we came to Oz on PR (needing to complete 2 years out of the 5). We had our first daughter here and are expecting again and planning on going home in Dec (before our 2 years is up). Bub 2 will then be born in UK (bub one has two passports). We are wondering whether there are any time spans in completing the 2 out of 5 years ie is there a limit as to how long you can return to UK before the time starts again and you have to work up the 2 years or can we come back any time within the 5 to complete? Secondly any ideas on bub 2 and visa process in future for them? We are trying to keep all our options open and want to be fair to bub 2 but also want to go home for a year or so. Other option is to stay and bub 2 be born here (also getting 2 passports). Am struggling to get any advice from Embassy...many thanks in hope! Dawn

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blossom79 is correct.


To be able to re-enter Australia you have until the day before the visa expires, usually 5 years FROM WHEN ITS GRANTED.


Once that visa has expired you can apply for a RRV Resident Return Visa providing you have been in Australia for a total of 2 years during the 5 year period that initial visa was valid.


So the options available to you are return before the visa expires OR return on a holiday and stay for the required period to make up the 2 year short fall.


I hope this makes sense.

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Great thank you we are on a 175 but I was worried the 2 years might re-set if we were out of the country for a long period of time (know we have to do 2 out of the 5 but thought there might be a reset at some point during that period). Does anyone know how having one child born here would impact or benefit us for future applications or if there is a different type of visa we would apply for? Would we have to apply for a different visa for bub 2? Also do we need to do 4 consecutive years to get citizenship or 2 out of each 5 year period over the first 10 years? Thanks all

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I dont think it has to be consecutive 4 years but dont quote me on that, others more clued up will come along shortly.


All I do no is that you have to do 4 years from when you are on a PR, WHV or bridging visas dont count (so my brother-in-law was recently told)

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I believe the four years has be consecutive according to a lady at my work who's husband got citizenship in 2012. Could be wrong though.

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Citizenship requires you to have held an eligible visa for 4 years immediately prior to application, including 1 year as a PR. During the 4 years you can't spend more than 12 months outside Australia, and no more than 3 months in the year immediately prior to application.

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Whv and bridging visas do count towards citizenship.

Yes they do. You have to have spent the four years legally in oz, the last one as pr. Bridging visas and whv are legitimate temp visas. I spent 18 months on a bridging visa and it's counted.

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Whv and bridging visas do count towards citizenship.




My brother in law has been in Aus for 4 years now, 1 on a WHV, 2 on a 457 and this last year on PR, he applied for citizenship and was refused, reason being he hadnt held PR for 4 years.


I will tell him this now.



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My brother in law has been in Aus for 4 years now, 1 on a WHV, 2 on a 457 and this last year on PR, he applied for citizenship and was refused, reason being he hadnt held PR for 4 years.


I will tell him this now.




He must have misunderstood what he was told and there must be some other reason for the refusal.


In order to be eligible to apply for citizenship, you must:



  • have been living in Australia on a valid Australian visa for four years immediately before applying which must include the last 12 months as a permanent resident, and

  • not have been absent from Australia for more than one year in total, in the 4 year period, including no more than 90 days in the year before applying.

  • http://www.citizenship.gov.au/applying/how_to_apply/conferral_app_process/ See Step 2


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