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Home swimming pool for dummies!


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So we have the keys to our new rental and move in fully in a few days yay! There is a swimming pool, looks new and immaculate, has solar heated water, there's an automatic cleaner in it. Rent includes monthly maintenance which is great. But what about the day to day? The obvious one is I need to fish out the leaves, there are heaps of beautiful bamboos nearby and already a lot of leaves have blown in. But what about chemicals, and how often? Can I top up with water from the rain tanks?


I can't wait to get in the damn thing, it will be bliss after moving all our stuff, but am a bit concerned the chemical balance may be off by the time we move in!

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If monthly maintenance is included then generally they will manage all the chemicals and all you have to do is jump in and enjoy it. If you are topping the pool up from the rain tanks, try to do it just before the pool person comes to check your chemical levels as the fresh water will throw the balance out slightly.

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If possible be there when the pool guy comes the first time, watch him and have a chat with him. I learnt everything on-line at the Zodiac pool school so its worth having a Google and a read up on whats what - Just so you know the basics in case it starts to turn (go green) and the guy isnt available.


Overall having a pool is a learning curve and each one is individual, the first few years we were here, we had nothing but issues with ours, now we have no real problems for about 3 years, in hindsight i think alot of that was down to me feeling i had to check the levels and 'fiddle' daily,lol,it was a new pool, new experience and a novelty,lol, now im lucky to check once a fortnight and all has been great lol


Cal x

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Cheers Cal I'll check out that pool school! We did the full check of all the entry report stuff today - many pages!! - and so found some of the pool equipment. The pump also seems to control chlorine, maybe the chemicals are dosed automatically. I can't see how to control the temperature of the solar heating - I stuck my feet in and it seemed unheated. But I did make a nice last-minute discovery when checking all the light switches (there are LOADS!) - the pool lights up a lovely blue colour. I am super excited, will honestly be using the pool a lot, I have even bought a harness for pretend distance swimming! I plan to get in as soon as we're moved and get all the leaves out :)

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Turns out it's easy! Pool man came round Friday, showed me how to clear the basket of leaves, basic pump instructions, otherwise just get in and enjoy. Which I have twice, and will more and more as it warms up. Fab pool, perfect for aqua aerobics (after 2 years I know enough moves to carry on alone) and relaxing. At 8 metres long not great for laps but that was never my thing, I just love being in water!!

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Oh, and it turns out the chemical balance was wayyy off before my pool guy hero showed up, so that was good timing! Massive alkaline level, no chlorine, cos the pump had been turned off. Had we moved in as soon as we got the keys it could have been yucky! Though I did say I'd take a sample to Bunnings before plunging in.


Big credit to Ray White Mt Gravatt, they have been amazing from arranging immediate repairs plus the pool maintenance to leaving bits and pieces like liquid soap, toilet roll, even dishwasher tablets in the house ahead of moving in! First letting agent in my life that has made the tenant feel as important as the landlord, and I say this as a landlord with 20 years experience as a tenant!

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Just a heads up if you like being in the pool alot - If your blonde too much chlorine water coming into contact with your hair can give it a green tinge,lol... My daughter looked like Shrek one year,lol.. Now i buy the Sheer blonde shampoo if i see green tints appearing in her hair and it does the trick,lol


Cal x

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Guest Guest66881

It can happen in salt water pools if you're using it with the levels all out of whack, but generally saltwater pools are better for you on a regular basis.

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Oo I am blonde and not sure about saltwater - there's just a bottle of chlorine in the shed where the pump is, but I did taste salt when I got a gobful of water!


It's heaven, as a heavy pool user, having the freedom to get in whenever and not worry about how busy it is etc. i even took my first phone call in the pool today, and had my favourite radio station on :)

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Guest Guest66881

You add salt if chlorination levels go really low, adding chlorine is to stabilize the water and keep it in the mid level good zone.

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