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Buying a car as new arrival


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Wonder if anyone can advise. We are planning to arrive in Brisbane late November but will be travelling around and staying with different people until after Christmas. Just wondered how we would go with buying a car when we do not have an address. We need to get a vehicle pretty quickly as soon as we arrive but don't want to take out leases on accommodation as we are hoping to buy fairly soon but obviously need time to do that. Many thanks. :confused:

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This may answer you question.




If you buy new then the garage does the paper work. If you can get a Queensland licence it is much easier to register a car. We used our short term accommodation to get our licences and register the car to then switched it on line when we got our long term rental, maybe one of the people you are staying with will let you use their address.

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Thanks so much for your reply. We want to buy a car in Queensland but our contact address (my brother's actually) is in NSW. We would have difficulty getting someone in QLD to let us use their address and we wont be taking on any accommodation in our own name until well after Christmas. Hence we would not have utility bills etc for identification. Until then we will be travelling around, probably staying in holiday lets and motels. We don't want to take on a rental property as we intend buying something once we have had a good look around. We are already Australian citizens and do have QLD driving licences but no longer reside at the address on them as we moved back here to the UK for a while. There is no way we would wish to hire a vehicle for more than a week and would want to get our own vehicle. Looks as if it might be difficult if we don't have an address but just hoped someone would know a way around it. Thanks again. Appreciate the links too.

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Following this thread with interest as we are considering arriving next year and spending the first few weeks travelling around northern Queensland. We also didn't want to hire a car for a long period if we could avoid it so thought we might buy a car (cash purchase - no finance needed) and wondered ourselves what issues that might give rise to. We know a couple of people in Queensland but they are not family nor close friends so feel it may be a little awkward asking to use their address if indeed we are allowed to. I only have a UK drivers licence. My OHs Queensland licence has expired so needs to be renewed and it was in her maiden name too. My other concern is over insurance as surely will need to have an address for insurance purposes.

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Just use a temporary address from where you are staying on the day you go for rego. Thats what we did and we were only there for a week. Give that address a forwarding address if you get any post, you probably wont. They just want an address, and dont care where it is, ask insurance to correspond by email, most do. Nothing wrong with changing address, everyone does at some stage

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