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Calling all April/June189 gang - have you made the move yet?

Guest james huddersfield

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Guest james huddersfield

Hi all,


Just wondered who from the April/June gangs is still in the UK? Anyone have their flights booked, job offers, rentals sorted? Anyone whos already left, what were the main issues you faced?


We are set to go in early November! Destination Western Australia. No job offers but had a couple of Skype interviews.


Looking forward to the updates!





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Still here, finished work,house sold & furniture gone, just need buyer for the car.

So sitting in empty house waiting to exchange contracts on house sale & only then can we book flights. I can smell Perth now, just need to get on that flight & there is the small matter of getting a job.


Nail bitting stuff.

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We are also a member of this year's April gang, visa granted 8th August, house sold, movecube coming Monday, flights booked, fly out to Perth 26th October, still need to sell car. Still have loads to do bank account being one of tomorrow s jobs.

All feeling bit real now, in a good way though.

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We lodged in June. We're still in the UK but all the big stuff is done - house sold, cars sold, jobs finished this week, move cube booked, house clearance booked, accommodation and bank accounts on the other side sorted. My hubby has lined up 3 interviews in the week after we arrive so fingers crossed he can pull one of those off (he's a joiner). I've secured a Kindy place for our youngest and a school place for our oldest. Our flights are booked for 23rd October. I'm hoping to have a few months off to settle the kids and get a rental before I look for work.


My emotions swing from being really excited to quite emotional and back again all within a few hours! I'm fine until anyone asks me how my mum is about it (she's very supportive but we're really close). That aside I can't wait to get to Perth!!!!

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We got our direct grant on 29 July for the 189 visa :-)) we are still hear but businesses sold, house sold due to exchange on 17th October, most of our furniture sold, move cube coming in 3 weeks. We are moving to my dads until we fly out in Jan. We're not going until then as the trades slow down in nov/dec ( hubby joiner/ site manager) and we wanted to wait until the school year starts in Jan. Also a lot of holiday rentals have already gone as it's the Aussie summer holiday time. We are so looking forward to starting our new life in Melbourne plus a little nervous :-)

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  • 2 months later...

We're planning on moving over in mid February. My wife has sold her business, but I'm holding off from handing in my notice at work until early January.

We've got buyers sorted out for the cars, but we're still not 100% sorted out on the house. Will probably have to rent it out.


With regards to work, I initially anticipated that I'd have many late nights doing skype interviews, but its been the complete opposite.

I applied for a couple jobs that I felt I matched perfectly based on my experience (some of them were very specific roles), but unfortunately I either didn't receive a response, or the recruiter would tell me that they were only interested in people that were eligible or are currently living in Oz. Despite the fact that I have a 189 visa and I explained that I was able to work in Oz without restrictions, the recruiters never responded again.

I believe the recruiters are only interested in filling positions asap so they can get their commission. They'd have to wait a couple months for payment if I were successful.


So in the meantime I've been updating my skills further, and getting any relevant certifications that may be helpful when I do go job hunting.

We'll probably go travelling around Thailand first, and then visit friends in Sydney who have offered to help us when we arrive.

But based on my work experience, I imagine that I'll probably end up in Perth where the relevant work is for me.

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