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I have a question with regard to getting my skills assessed and I would be very grateful with any help;


I am about to sit the IELTS test before applying to get my skills assessed through CPA Australia (I'm an Accountant) but I'm wondering do I also need to get my employment assessed or what are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Do I earn more points if my employment is assessed? Its pretty costly so I don't want to complete if I don't have to.....

If I don't get my employment assessed do I need to provide further evidence of employment on my visa application?


Apologies but I'm confused with this part....

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If you don't get CPA to assess your employment you won't be able to claim any points for this. I say the best thing you can do is use a points calculator to work out how many points you will have without your employment being assessed. Also when did you qualify as an accountant? CPA will only assess employment as relevant from the date you qualified, any prequalification experience will not be counted.

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Thanks Zeebeth for your reply, do you by any chance know what date is considered date of qualification? Is it date of last exam results or would it be membership date (Mar 2010), reason I'm asking is I didn't apply for membership straight after my last exam (Dec 2008)

Is there no way that I can obtain points for any employment pre qualification as I have over 10 years experience? I thought that with the employment I just had to provide details of work experience, references and details of duties/tasks which must match whats on the nominated occupation list, but I was under the impression I just include these when applying for the visa and not my skills assessed??? I was onto CPA and they said that I didn't need to get my employment assessed for the skilled migration visa......now I am totally confused.....

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You don't need to have your employment assessed by your skills assessment authority and can claim experience points without it. At the visa application stage, you will be required to provide evidence to your visa Case Officer for any experience for which you have claimed experience points on your EOI but you would need to do that even if CPA had already assessed it.


If however you are in any way unclear regarding the validity for points of any of your experience, THEN it would be a good idea to have CPA assess it though your CO could still find that it isn't claimable even if CPA says it is - that's unlikely, but is still possible. Overclaiming points for experience is probably the most common reason for denial of a visa (and loss of your VAC) and sorting out grey areas before you get to the EOI stage can be a good move in that case.

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