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Its really happening....


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Hi, making that first post on the forum after reading for what seems like forever. We are just waiting for our medicals on Friday and will hopefully be on our way to Melbourne with 189 visa before christmas. We are making the move with three children aged 16, 10 and 1. We have so many questions re schools, suburbs, work and probably a million other things we haven't even thought of yet, but thought the first step was to say hi !!


Anyone already made the move to Melbourne that would consider taking us under their wing ;) Anyone with similar aged children that can offer any advise on moving with children?


Hope to get to know some of you soon :)


Gemma x

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Hi we move out to Melbourne in 2 weeks time, got no kids and no idea about suburbs apart from what I have researched haha, just wanted to say hi and I hope it goes well for you maybe you should go have a look at PIO's sister site http://www.lifeinvictoria.com/index.php its dedicated to Victoria and loads of Melbourne people in there to offer help and a friendly smile :wink:

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