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On my way


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Flight and visa bought for the 1st Sept 2015...and the waiting begins!! I'm meeting a friend in Perth then heading straight to Geraldton where he is putting me up until I get on my feet. Hopefully sorting a seasonal job by the time I arrive too.


What I plan on doing is travelling south in 4x4 once I have done 3 months work in Geraldton. I want to travel through Perth, Albany, Esperance, Port lincoln, Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney and reaching the Gold coast. I have family in Brisbane and have previously lived there, hence why I want to start in the west coast first. Does anyone have any suggestions about this plan, ideas, any good hostels or places to stop along that very long route? I know it'll take a long time to drive but it's all part of why I'm coming back to Oz in the first place, going into the unknown and a new experience.


If anyone has any experiences to share I'd be interested to hear!


Peace :)

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The only reason I did it was to commit! There's no going back and I don't regret it for a second and sure I won't ever :) Thank you both, hope you have an amazing time!!


I was the exact same, I knew it would give me a kick up the bum to save and stick to a plan. My mum thought I should wait until I had saved enough.


Thanks - you too :)

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So when are you going out? What part of Oz are you flying to? I got my flight for £550 and didn't want to wait for prices to increase.


I fly out next Sunday, the 5th. Flying into Sydney, where I'm going to stay at least through the New Year's. But I've been traveling around Europe this month, so I'm definitely going to be tired.

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That's sweet man! Good luck for your travels, any idea where you're staying in Sydney? I'm looking into hostels for when I start travelling around the coast. I know not everything will not go to plan but think if you get a rough idea then the rest will sort itself out :)

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So when are you going out? What part of Oz are you flying to? I got my flight for £550 and didn't want to wait for prices to increase.


Not sure if this is aimed at me or jonathon lol. I'm aiming for July hopefully but I'll just have to see. Which is why Im not booking anything yet. I think I'm going to perth first but that's not a definite. I'm assuming you got a single then instead of a return, are you planning on staying the two years?

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Not sure if this is aimed at me or jonathon lol. I'm aiming for July hopefully but I'll just have to see. Which is why Im not booking anything yet. I think I'm going to perth first but that's not a definite. I'm assuming you got a single then instead of a return, are you planning on staying the two years?


What made you choose Perth first? It's a long way from anywhere.

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Haha sorry didn't make it clear. It can be aimed at both of you though :) Yeah I bought a one way flight, plan on doing regional work to be able to get my 2nd year visa! Another idea is to maybe try and get sponsored but thats something I'll decide when I'm there. You planning on 2 years or just the one?

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Maria - it's not for definite but basically because there's a lot in WA I want to see and I know more people there. I know one girl where I live who went over to perth and she likes it so much she's went to live there for her 2nd year even though she's been to other places. I'll see nearer the time once I've decided what month I'm going. I want to work it around the weather as well.


Dnewts - yeah I saw one way flights for that price too but I think I'll did up just getting a return flight. I worry about running out of money! I will try my best to do the regional work but right now I don't think I'll be staying two years at once. Never say never though!

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Maria - WA has a lot more to offer than most people think, yeah it's pretty isolated compared to the east coast but WA has some amazing sights to see too...plus it's hotter ;)


ScottishStacey - You're right, never say never. I don't think money would be a problem as long as you time things right. At the end of the day, you can always keep aside the money you need for the flight back and then if you start running low find a part-time job to sustain you for a while! It might not be as easy as I'm making it out to be but hey, glass half full right!?

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Maria - it's not for definite but basically because there's a lot in WA I want to see and I know more people there. I know one girl where I live who went over to perth and she likes it so much she's went to live there for her 2nd year even though she's been to other places. I'll see nearer the time once I've decided what month I'm going. I want to work it around the weather as well.


Dnewts - yeah I saw one way flights for that price too but I think I'll did up just getting a return flight. I worry about running out of money! I will try my best to do the regional work but right now I don't think I'll be staying two years at once. Never say never though!


Sounds like my plan. I may very well stay in Sydney for longer than the 2-3 months, just will have to see. I also have a one-way ticket, as I won't be back home for at least a few years!

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I'm really really looking forward to going but the thought of going for two years makes me realise how much of a mummy's girl I am lol :laugh: I might feel completely different once I'm over there since I'm sure the year will go soooo fast


2 years is a long time but I'm sure you'll be fine, Skype will be the best way for you to keep in touch with family. Best thing to do is exactly what you've already said and that's to make your mind up when you're there! Regional work will be easy enough to find and as long as you apply for the 2nd year a month or two in advance there won't be any problems. Where abouts in Scotland are you from? I've been there a few times (I'm from Cardiff, Wales btw) and every time I've gone to Scotland it's been a right laugh :biglaugh:

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I fly out next Sunday, the 5th. Flying into Sydney, where I'm going to stay at least through the New Year's. But I've been traveling around Europe this month, so I'm definitely going to be tired.


Make sure you've got accommodation locked down for New Year's because the whole city is booked out months in advance.

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