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Young, unskilled - What are my options for being able to stay in Australia after 2nd yr visa?

Bethan Watson

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20yrs old, female.


I have a partner who has suggested de facto but this would be difficult for someone in my age range and our situation. He works FIFO and I travel for cash in hand work...we can't prove we live together as far as I can see. We recently got a joint bank account but I don't know what to do as far as proving we live together.


He rents from a couple in Brisbane, but I don't contribute to rent or utilities and am only there when he is. The couple would willingly back us up, but that isn't adequate as far as I know.


I have looked at study options and they don't seem hopeful. I was interested in becoming an apprentice but I've found that that is only open to PRs. My partner has said in the past he's seen companies sponsor apprentices though...I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice on what is viable.


Is it possible to study out in Oz and then look for sponsored work?


My partner also mentioned that in remote areas you can find sponsorship opportunities. A friend of ours worked managing a bar, the bar trained her in a TAFE management course and got her sponsored. Is that rare/impossible?


I realise it's probably a very slim chance unless I go home and get skilled and return at a later date. I could apply for my 2nd working holiday now but maybe it would be better to hold off?


Any advice would be appreciated.

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I would suggest you get advice from a professional migration agent - many will do a first consult free or at least for a small fee.


But off the top of my head I would say your best option is to get your 2nd year WHV and set up home with your partner now - it doesn't matter that he is FIFO - it'a quite normal in Australia, lots of married couples are in that situation.


A lease in joint names, joint utility bills etc. and then keep 'evidence' of your relationship - photographs, invites in joint names, holidays taken together etc. it should not matter who is paying the bills, many relationships are financially unequal - others that have been through this process will be able to advise you more. Your age should not come into it but what you need is proof that he is your 'partner' not just your 'boyfriend' - I guess the question is are you both ready for this or would it be just to enable you to stay?


You can possibly stay on a student visa which would also allow you to work 20 hours a week - I would perhaps look at TAFE courses. Do remember you would be an international student so would get no help whatsoever with fees, can you or your family afford this? I don't know where you are, I am only familiar with Perth and there is a lot of FIFO in WA so this link may or may not be of any use http://www.eti.wa.edu.au


Sponsorship is definitely more likely in regional areas but you do need a skill on the SOL - bar management I assume is but I do imagine it is a case of someone getting very lucky. Perhaps the answer is for you and your partner to set up home together in the region he currently works - you could then spend more time together and you'd have a year on your WHV to convince someone of your potential.


Final option which may be a bit drastic is to get married :) There are 'Prospective Marriage' visa's too - no idea what is required but you do not need to live together (after all not everyone wishes to live together before marriage)


Speak to a migration agent though - at 20 where there's a will there's a way :)

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You need to start creating a trail of evidence, it won't create itself. Get your name on leases, get your address registered at the same place and start earning above board too. Cash in hand, presuming you are not paying taxes is illegal, should you get the option of sponsorship, it would mean that your work experience is not admissible.


Student visas are very expensive and generally will not lead to any other visa down the line.

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