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Bethan Watson

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Everything posted by Bethan Watson

  1. I just received permanent residency as a result of a family violence exemption on my partner visa. I'm 21, living at a friend's house. I came over when I was 18, gave up university to make a life here and now I don't know what to do. My head is pretty fried. I have received a few interview offers for excellent jobs, one of which would pay exceptionally well considering my age. I don't know whether my best option is to go home and study like I wanted, and the potentially come back with a degree in tow, or whether I should stick it out and stay. I still live in the same city as my ex-partner. We both want nothing to do with one another. I'm honestly just at a complete crossroads of what to do. I'm worried I'm wasting valuable time going home when I should be focusing on making a life out here. And in regards to practicalities, I only have a car left to sell. It's a toyota corolla with 200,000+ kms on it , but I recently had it serviced and it's sweet. Should I book flights then sell it? And should I sell it unregistered/registered? Really confused.
  2. Bethan Watson


    I am a 21 yr old Welsh female currently in the process of applying for a de facto visa. I am on a Bridging Visa waiting for a decision. My partner and I have been together about 18 months. He is physically abusive. A few days ago the worst incident occurred. My counsellor knows and has heard him admit it. I have gone to stay with a friend. I'm so scared of him, and I don't want to go back to him but I love my life here and I want to stay. Please, somebody tell me if there is any way I can help myself in this situation.
  3. LOSING MY MIND. Hired a migration officer. Lodged partner application a month and a bit before my 2nd WHV work place 6 month limitation ends. I love my job, and I can't imagine being without it. At the same time as lodging the partner application, I also got the lawyer to send away a Form 1445, which states in exceptional circumstances such as lodging a de facto visa I can extend. We've heard nothing. It's 2 weeks today before I can't work with my job any more...what's going on?! There was a mistake that the lawyer amended but she said it wouldn't make a difference, because she fixed it. Instead of June, I put May as my termination time. But she amended it before they sent it off. I thought they looked at them within 2 weeks, not waited until 2 weeks before the expiration of my work placement. Any one else with experience of this, could you tell me what to expect? I'm freaking out. :wacko:
  4. Thank you, that has definitely put my mind at rest. With regards to work however.. My WHV ends in October 2015. I will be breaching with my employer with regards to the sixth month rule after May 5th. Is there anything I can do, or am I down the drain a bit with regards to that? The form says the extension would only be very short; not even months. Thank you again.
  5. My partner and I are going for a de facto visa. I was just concerned about the strength of our case. I'm Welsh, he's Aussie, 20 and 25 respectively. Background: We met in June 2014. Exclusive almost immediately. He worked FIFO until December 2014; we got a letter off his employers for proof. Usually 2 weeks on, 1 week together, with some exceptions, in Brisbane. All my mail was sent to that address from August onwards. We rented a room, so were not able to contribute to bills together. The people we rented off are close friends and would happily provide a written statement that we lived at that address. I did not contribute to rent, at my partner's say-so. I travelled down to Melbourne instead because of work, which I can't get any proof for due to it being mainly cash. Registered relationship in November 2014. Have two joint bank accounts, one transaction and one savings where all my wages go to the former, and lots of proof from August of co-habitation, as well as financial support of each other and social context (one holiday together, one more coming up in May 2015 to meet his family) and several events and weddings, shared gym, couples dancing lessons, etc... I visited my family for a month overseas in September 2014 though, and then came back in October. He bought a house in December. I moved in. I pay rent and some bills, (our providers said we could have the account in a joint name but the bills would be addressed to my partner except for one, the gas bill. I have no idea why). All our mail goes here now. We are on each other's super accounts too. Have Skype, phone, messenger, SMS logs of all separated time. Want to lodge in very early June 2015. I've just heard very mixed things. A friend of my boss' is a case officer, and he discussed it with her generally without naming names, and she was pretty flippant. She basically told my boss that a "low risk country like the UK" would be fine and not even worried about on an application, and she stressed the financial aspect, rather than social. She said she would hate to see all the phone, SMS, messenger and Skype logs, that it was unnecessary, as were thing like event invitations. Then I had several migration officers tell me these things were absolutely essential, and that our month of separation for me going home would put us back 3 months... Any help would be appreciated. My questions are: 1) With this background, what would anyone think from their experience the strength of our case was? I'm concerned about the FIFO roster and separation times. 2) Would you recommend a migration agent? 3) What will my work situation be like if I'm granted a bridging visa? I'd be coming off a 2nd WHV, in June 2015 when we apply, and I love my job, but by May 2015 I would have hit the 6 months mark. From June, would my Bridging Visa reinstate the work rights of my previous visa, or could I apply for a different subclass of Bridging Visa so I could continue working for my employer, or not at all? There's the possibility of a career here, and I really, really don't want to waste it. 4) My final, biggest worry I suppose, is that do you find it's a case of there's not a lot of legroom for mistakes? Providing you upload all documentation and evidence, however unnecessary, is it a case of immigration almost looking for a way of tripping you up? I feel scared even considering an online application...if you muck up the process, do they just chuck you? 5) Does anyone know much about witness statements. The forms as opposed to just writing in names and dates, and how soon you should be doing health and police checks. I already did the latter and I think it's too early. I'm sorry for the huge post, I'm just worrying myself sick about it. Thank you for any help!
  6. Lodged on 27th Sat Sept. Flying on Oct 11th. Problems with passport led me to apply later than I would've. Pressure is really on so any advice would be appreciated. How long in your opinion does this take to come through and be approved or rejected? I attached a final pay slip and verification statement from my employer. I'm 19, no criminal record or anything that would complicate the process to my knowledge. Thanks.
  7. 20yrs old, female. I have a partner who has suggested de facto but this would be difficult for someone in my age range and our situation. He works FIFO and I travel for cash in hand work...we can't prove we live together as far as I can see. We recently got a joint bank account but I don't know what to do as far as proving we live together. He rents from a couple in Brisbane, but I don't contribute to rent or utilities and am only there when he is. The couple would willingly back us up, but that isn't adequate as far as I know. I have looked at study options and they don't seem hopeful. I was interested in becoming an apprentice but I've found that that is only open to PRs. My partner has said in the past he's seen companies sponsor apprentices though...I was wondering if anyone could offer me any advice on what is viable. Is it possible to study out in Oz and then look for sponsored work? My partner also mentioned that in remote areas you can find sponsorship opportunities. A friend of ours worked managing a bar, the bar trained her in a TAFE management course and got her sponsored. Is that rare/impossible? I realise it's probably a very slim chance unless I go home and get skilled and return at a later date. I could apply for my 2nd working holiday now but maybe it would be better to hold off? Any advice would be appreciated.
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