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189 Lodged in September 2014 or later gang


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We lodged last weekend (14th September).


We front loaded all documents except medicals - which we have been advised to wait on (although I guess we could go ahead and do these) and form 80, whiich we have prepared but not uploaded (in case we don't get asked to)


There is already a September 189 thread on here though - maybe you should merge them or join that one?



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Just waiting for my wife to sit and pass the IELTs and then we will be lodging our EOI. Looks like it will be 1st November assuming she passes first time. (Only needs 4.5 average).


When I done my IELTS in June there were 2 / 3 days per week as options, now there are only 1 or 2 days per month.

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Just waiting for my wife to sit and pass the IELTs and then we will be lodging our EOI. Looks like it will be 1st November assuming she passes first time. (Only needs 4.5 average).


When I done my IELTS in June there were 2 / 3 days per week as options, now there are only 1 or 2 days per month.


is your wife British? If so, I don't think she needs to do IELTS to prove competent English.

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We lodged yesterday (23rd Sep), though I think it was already 24th in Australia as it was in the evening in the UK.. Booked medicals, scanned documents, looking for someone to sign my police check photo who is authorised to do so which is a pain (not told work yet, so can't use existing contacts). Only confusion is which documents need to be certified? Are you certifying everything??

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I have 2 doubts, if anyone can clarify. Before that here is a background


I was in Canada for work since 2009-Jul to 2010-Dec then in visit visa since 2011-Mar till 2012-June


1) I have previous 2 visa refusals for Canada.


a) Visit visa to Canada due to lack of Fund(Jan, 2011) that I have shown.. but after that when I have shown enough fund it got approved (Feb, 2011)


b) Spousal PR visa refusal for Canada because of some document validation problem of my ex-wife(Aug, 2012).

We got the divorce in April, 2014.


I have declared this in form 1221 and in form 80 with some more details of the reason of the refusal and attached the divorce and marriage certificate from Canada.


2) There is a reassessment happened on my 2010 tax return and according to that I owe $4000 CAD to the tax department. My previous employer has filed an objection for that against Canada tax. so now this $4000 has become the disputed amount. The case is still going on. However, I have recently made the payment of $4000 CAD to tax.


So if you guys can comment on this from your experience and knowledge.

Is it possible that these 2 reasons can be a hindrance for me to get the 189 visa ?

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