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Singapore Airlines and baby milk


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Flying London- Bris with our 1 year old twins. Both drink cows milk. Any idea if Singapore Airlines will supply this onboard or will I need to bring a zillion bottles of long life cows milk with me? I'm talking the 200ml cow and gate growing up milks. And will I need to declare these to Oz customs upon arrival? Can I bring in some (how many would be reasonable for twins?) for the first few days till we get sorted?

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I'm pretty sure that you will need to provide the milk for your children on the flight. We took our daughter on holiday to Oz a 5 months old and had to but loads of premixed milk from Boots "airside" and Man Int. Airport. I think we ordered it before hand.


When we got to Oz we just went to the Chemists and bought some more milk which she drank with no problem at all.

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You won't be able to take 200ml cartons through airport security. The 100ml rule will apply. Mind you, you say cows milk then mention baby milk so not sure which you are meaning there. Baby milk you should be ok to bring through, they may ask you to taste one though for security reasons. Or is that a typo and you mean you are bringing a tub of powdered baby milk also? Keep it sealed and declare when you arrive in Aus.


They will provide cows milk on the flight usually I have found. Not masses of it to drink glass after glass but enough for a drink or cereal.


Iirc I bought a couple of small cows milk cartons once we cleared security and were in duty free. This was when son was younger. There is a Boots in duty free area and you can grab cartons of baby milk there pre made or cows milk. Enough for the flight anyways. You should only need a few at most during the flight, depending on meals and when you fly.


I'd not bring masses tbh. Chemists and supermarkets open late and you can buy when you arrive with ease.

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thanks for your responses. When we flew London - Greece recently we were able to bring through 200ml bottles of ready made milk (eg. Cow and Gate) and there was no problem at all. You no longer have to taste as they have new scanning machines for food and milk. I think I will contact Singapore airlines and ask about the cows milk.

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thanks for your responses. When we flew London - Greece recently we were able to bring through 200ml bottles of ready made milk (eg. Cow and Gate) and there was no problem at all. You no longer have to taste as they have new scanning machines for food and milk. I think I will contact Singapore airlines and ask about the cows milk.


It is surely nothing to do with Singapore airlines and more to do with the airport operators?

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Generally when travelling with babies yo need to bring your own milk and food. The airlines carry a small amount for emergencies only. Singapore airlines were more than happy to heat up bottles and wash them for me. Baby milk is not subject to the 100ml rule but you need to declare it when going through security.

When you get to Australia you will also need to declare it as you must declare any food items you are carrying. If commercially produced baby food and formula is all you have then it will not be an issue and you will be let straight through. I brought in a full tin of formula in my luggage plus the ready made cartons in carry on for the flight.

Take more feeds than you would normally need over that time as I found my son had 2 extra bottles than normal just because of the travel.

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