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New in Sydney- Homesick and regretful! Anybody else?


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Well I have been in Sydney for 3-4 months and I am struggling! Is there anybody else around who feels similar? I was here on a WHV eight years ago, never wanted to leave but did, always wanted to come back, finally got my visa to do it, and now I regret it! I have a job related to my industry but badly paid... miss my old job, miss the UK as well as Dubai where I lived briefly before too. I am single so nobody around going through the same thing, though I have met a few people via "Meet Up". I have rented my own apartment as I thought it would help me settle but all I do is worry about the cost! Anybody else going through the same, has similar tales or even wants to meet up??



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Guest guest73691



Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. I think it always takes a while to settle in and start to feel established.


I have been here 2 years and, although I really enjoy it, still feel a bit lonely sometimes . I think all you can do is try your best to get out there and make friends. I personally found that some of the "meet up" events felt a bit forced, but I guess you need to put yourself out there in order to try and meet people. Do you have any particular hobbies e.g. sports? A few of my friends are into sports like netball and have met lots of people that way. Do you socialise with people from work? Most of my friends here are people I met though the first job I had over here - we were all of a similar age and had a lot in common.


Depending on how long your lease is, you could think about moving into a share house. Even if you don't become best friends with the people you share with, at least there are other people around which provides a bit of company.

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Thanks MsAKW. It's so hard! I know what you mean- meeting people is a good thing to do. I like horse riding so might try and get into that... and a jewellery course I wanna do too. Not that many people at work but maybe I need to make the effort- also looking for a new job too so that is unsettling - just took this one as a stop gap! Lease for a year... so not an option right now. thanks for taking the time to reply x




Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. I think it always takes a while to settle in and start to feel established.


I have been here 2 years and, although I really enjoy it, still feel a bit lonely sometimes . I think all you can do is try your best to get out there and make friends. I personally found that some of the "meet up" events felt a bit forced, but I guess you need to put yourself out there in order to try and meet people. Do you have any particular hobbies e.g. sports? A few of my friends are into sports like netball and have met lots of people that way. Do you socialise with people from work? Most of my friends here are people I met though the first job I had over here - we were all of a similar age and had a lot in common.


Depending on how long your lease is, you could think about moving into a share house. Even if you don't become best friends with the people you share with, at least there are other people around which provides a bit of company.

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It is hard... are you a gym person? sitting alone in your apartment may be making things a little worse. If you have a gym membership you could alt least get out of the house for an hour in the eve, and it wouldn't cost you every time... just the monthly membership. Some of the ones like Jets or Snap are pretty cheap. You could do a regular class, become more of a regular face. Even having those people to say hi to each time might help you feel like you are becoming more of the community, fitting in... just a thought.

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Guest guest73691

Where in Sydney are you Swainey? If you live centrally, there are stables next to Centennial Park - VERY expensive though if you want lessons! If you have a car, you may be able to head a bit further out to go riding.


I think courses are a good idea - you can meet people while you are doing something, rather than just meeting up with the sole purpose of trying to make new friends. Less pressure maybe? I am in the process of trying to sign up for a few things at the moment.

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Hey msAKW, I am in St Leonards (rented a place close to work- good in terms of commuting time but I miss Eastern Suburbs area) Centennial Park is defo mega pricey for riding. I joined a Meet Up crafting group today- you are right, better to actually do something! And it's free as another problem is I am getting paid crap!

Tickled Pink- I am not a gym person, however I am thinking of dance classes maybe! Used to do Salsa so maybe I should take that up.

Thanks guys it's good to know I am not alone....

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Hi Swainey


My and my girlfriend have been in Sydney 6 months from the UK. Sometimes she feels like exactly how you describe. Give us a shout if you fancy meeting. She has a cousin who is in the racing industry (horses) who lives down in cronulla so may have suggestions on places to go riding

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Hi swainey...

I think those days are not so far you will be surrounded by lots of good friends.

But right now(after seeing this post) I feel bit afraid to think what will happen to us after two months...:confused:. Soon me and my wife is going to fall on the same situation like you.


Neither we have any relatives in Sydney nor I know the place. We are 30 years old and have no kids yet. With lots of dream we are going to settle here permanently by end of this October'14.


Need to find a new Job, new home and making new friends (--> Toughest thing).....


So... very soon we are also joining your club ..:)


Take care and Best of luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Well I have been in Sydney for 3-4 months and I am struggling! Is there anybody else around who feels similar? I was here on a WHV eight years ago, never wanted to leave but did, always wanted to come back, finally got my visa to do it, and now I regret it! I have a job related to my industry but badly paid... miss my old job, miss the UK as well as Dubai where I lived briefly before too. I am single so nobody around going through the same thing, though I have met a few people via "Meet Up". I have rented my own apartment as I thought it would help me settle but all I do is worry about the cost! Anybody else going through the same, has similar tales or even wants to meet up??




Hello Swainey


You are right it is tough, and there is something debilitating about "not belonging" - it can be all pervasive. I got here 8 months ago from UK, and still find I have good days and bad days. It is strange how when you are homesick, all the sunshine and blue skies don't matter. You have to keep busy, and realise that for whatever reason you are here because of decisions you made, and you can either go on feeling awful, or try to do something about it. sometimes it's OK to be depressed for a while too. Do you have options? If you're in a position to give it a few more months then know that you can go home if you don't like it by then, it's not so bad.

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