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Extra information??


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Hi everyone, just need to pick your brains, my CO has asked for some more info regarding my son, I have uploaded this info but haven't heard anything back and now I'm worried because it is nearing the 28 day deadline, if the information is insufficient will they extend the deadline?? Ask for more info?? Or refuse my application?? I am getting myself in such a state over this I've aged 10 years lolx

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Hi everyone, just need to pick your brains, my CO has asked for some more info regarding my son, I have uploaded this info but haven't heard anything back and now I'm worried because it is nearing the 28 day deadline, if the information is insufficient will they extend the deadline?? Ask for more info?? Or refuse my application?? I am getting myself in such a state over this I've aged 10 years lolx


Hi I can recall being asked for more information and don't think they actually acknowledge whether you have sent what was requested. They will only acknowledge if it wasn't sufficient . In my case it was just processed and accepted with no acknowledgement. I agree with MaggieMay they wont just leave it if what you have supplied isn't sufficient, they may request something further which I think again will have another 28 days deadline.

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