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3 weeks left in blighty!!


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i know they say 'time flies', but it really has flown by since our house sold in May. i thought we had a bit of time to see friends and family before we left, how wrong was i?!!

it has come down to 3.5 weeks left to go!

the house has gone, the car has gone, my bike has gone and our container is being loaded with all our possessions today and will be on its way in the coming days.

my flight is booked for the 15th of September, and Mrs Pip will be joining us in November, just to give me a bit of time to find a rental, get a car, get a job......no pressure!!

i'm feeling nervous now, all the hard work and worrying if the visa will be granted (P176 VIC state sponsored) has come down to this moment. it all seems very surreal.


just wanted to get that all out there, and wish all the people here that have helped us all the best, and everyone going through the same thing good luck in the future.

i am heading for Mordialloc for the first 4 weeks, then i don't know where, so if there are any on here up for a meet up from the 15th of september, drop me a line, i'd be glad of a bit of a get together and a chat.


thanks everyone


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Lots of luck with everything, i do agree about how time just slips away, i felt the same happened with me,lol.. Try not to worry too much about the nerves, it happens to us all and in fairness it is such a big move ,i think its normal to stress and panic a little bit.

Keep us updated with your journey and enjoy your last few weeks


Cal x

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Thank you.

i'm sure it is normal, i'm sure iv'e forgotten something lol!! it is very daunting, you get swept away with it all. before you know it you're out of time!!

i remember health checks, that seems a long long time ago now!!


i sure will post an update.

thanks again.

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