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Pakistani immigrants 189


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hi there

i am new here and just wanted to share the information regarding the immigration issues normally generated for pakistani citizens due to misguidance. I am sure most of the pakistanis have not made a good impression on ausies and all those who are planning to migrate to Australia but i am here to say and maintain a positive difference with positive attitude.

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hi there

i am new here and just wanted to share the information regarding the immigration issues normally generated for pakistani citizens. I am sure most of the pakistanis have not made a good impression on ausies but i am here to say and maintain a positive difference with positive attitude.


Why is that then?

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hi there

i am new here and just wanted to share the information regarding the immigration issues normally generated for pakistani citizens. I am sure most of the pakistanis have not made a good impression on ausies but i am here to say and maintain a positive difference with positive attitude.


What utter and complete nonsense.


Pakistanis form a small community in Australia but by and large they are positive contributors to the Australian society.

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whilst its a good thread to provide information for other Pakistanis as you often face more security scrutiny and wait is longer......it is rather strange the comment you make that Pakistanis in general have not made a good impression. why you say that for?


i have spoken with a few and they are nothing but polite and informative individuals as most on here and all have the same focus......to get to AUS


really bizarre your comment, and im sure many Pakistanis would agree!

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whilst its a good thread to provide information for other Pakistanis as you often face more security scrutiny and wait is longer......it is rather strange the comment you make that Pakistanis in general have not made a good impression. why you say that for?


i have spoken with a few and they are nothing but polite and informative individuals as most on here and all have the same focus......to get to AUS


really bizarre your comment, and im sure many Pakistanis would agree!


well i totally agree with your qoute as a matter of fact pakistani have great respect for australia. i have actually start this thread to educate the pakistanis who have recently tried to initiate their immigration or planning as i have observed that there are very few mara agents in pakistan and a few wrong agents misguide the new ones. therefore it is stated that if anybody need help in migration issues we are here to help and so does all the people in this forum and this thread is being generated to create a positive diffrence.....

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hi there

i am new here and just wanted to share the information regarding the immigration issues normally generated for pakistani citizens due to misguidance. I am sure most of the pakistanis have not made a good impression on ausies and all those who are planning to migrate to Australia but i am here to say and maintain a positive difference with positive attitude.

Dear all the thread statement is amended

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Guest The Pom Queen

Please note this is in the migration section of the forum. The OP's English may not be very good but please stop with the personal attacks.

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I am sorry for my wrong English. I want to help pakistanis thats all.if any 1 has a better way to help pakistanis then I will adopt that[/quote




Hi Hassan,


This may be better and wont look like Pakistanis are seen in a bad way which was the issue.



Hi i am new here and just wanted to share the information regarding immigration issues normally generated for Pakistani citizens due to misguidance

I have started this thread to help Pakistani in the process of emigrating and offering advice. Due to the fact that we often experience more security scrutiny and time scales can be longer as well as having few mara agents in Pakistan as well as misguided ones.

I am here to to make a positive difference with a positive attitude.


Just worded better and hope it helps, it is a great thread for those from Pakistan looking to make the move and hopefully can offer great advice..... so start a new thread, i am sure it will help many.

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