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Taking dog from NI


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Hi Bob


I was just wondering do you only operate from the UK? We are based in NI and hoping to take our dog the 2nd week of March once her bloods clear, unfortunately we have to go before her so my mum will be taking care of the last minute things and London will be a bit difficult to get to. She can however drive to Dublin, is this something that you can cover?



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Yes we can cover this, for sure. We will do all the docs and get your mum and your vets to do the pre travel work and then we will bring your dog across and board him or her for a couple of nights and complete the final vet paperwork.


Start the rabies work now if you have not already done so and then you wont have to leave your dog for so long:)


We can collect your dog from your mum's or from dublin - either/or. Bit cheaper to collect from Dublin

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Bob,


I have just joined this forum, we are moving to Melbourne in December & I was looking for some advice regarding taking our 2 dogs over form Dublin.


We are awaiting the results of the rabies jags and I am now looking to move the process forward regarding passports etc


If you could contact me so we could discuss fees, paperwork & time frames I would be very grateful,


Kind Regards



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Dear Natasha


When did your dog have the rabies blood sample? Your dogs can only enter Australia 6 months after the rabies blood sample, so that may make December flight a bit soon.


We can fly your dogs from Heathrow to Melbourne, but they have to get over to UK.


If you want to email me some more details to bob@petairuk.com, then we can definitely help you.





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