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ABS Surveys


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We just had a lady knock on our door from the ABS on a Saturday morning asking us to participate in a health survey. She also mentioned about taking our blood pressure and measurements. We also had a guy from the ABS a few weeks ago wake us up on a Sunday morning about a survey (guessing it was the same survey). On both occasions we told them it wasn't a convenient time (on the Sunday morning he had woken us up and today we were in the middle of chores and I was writing a university assignment) and today the lady couldn't really give us any information about if we had to comply etc.


Has anybody else had this happen? I just did a google search and it came up with all kinds of complaints. Do you know if we have to do the survey as we're not citizens? I guess if we have to we will do it I'm just slightly uneasy about providing this information especially my blood pressure and also in our spare time which we don't seem to get a lot of at the moment!

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I don't know about the legal requirements. I somehow doubt it - beyond the six-yearly census I've never had the ABS turn up on my doorstep in my life (in fact, this thread is the first I'd heard of it). If they got pushy, I think I'd be cordially inviting them to bugger off.

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Aaah here we go. Found an ABS survey FAQ: http://www.abs.gov.au/websitedbs/D3310114.nsf/4a256353001af3ed4b2562bb00121564/de8ba33b760d9c9fca2571060079d60a!OpenDocument


How do I verify an ABS officer?

ABS makes initial household contact in writing to advise that you have been identified for survey participation. For any personal visits, an ABS officer with official identification will always identify themselves and explain clearly what information is being sought and how the statistics will be used. ABS officers can provide a 1800 number for survey participants to verify legitimacy of the survey or alternatively participants are encouraged to contact the ABS on 1800 087 643 (9:00am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday).




Do I have to participate?

At this time you are being requested to answer the questions, but if the Australian Statistician directs you in writing to provide the information you are legally obliged to do so. The answers you provide will be treated confidentially. The ABS is required by the Census and Statistics Act 1905 to maintain the secrecy of all information provided to it. No information will be released in a way that would enable an individual or household to be identified.

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Thanks for this info. No information was given to us really she just said if we don't participate now they may send her back and when I said we are busy she said "ok if you really want to go down this route". She couldn't tell us much about it though just that they had just told her to come. We found a slip in our post box saying they had come round on Thursday and we were to call them to arrange a time but no details of what it was about or anything and the slip was left from her door knocking a previous time. I've just sent an email to the ABS to find out what it was about etc and if we have to participate. The guy who came round previously was also asking my partner really detailed questions about when somebody will be at home which I know is so they can catch us when we're home but my partner works away 2-3 nights a week and it just makes me feel a bit uneasy giving that info out that I'm at home alone.

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The next census isn't due yet. ABS officers have badges and are readily able to identify themselves- I was one of the managers in the last census. Do not answer and unauthorised questions and do not let them inside your house.

They do all sorts of surveys which aren't part of the census. I used to work there phoning people up who hadn't sent in surveys they had to by law. Not a fun job.

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