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PMV - Questions


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I am living in UK while OH is a citizen of Aus and currently residing there. We were planning on lodging the application in December time as I was informed a few months ago that the current processing was 5 months. As I understand from looking around on here, it's more like 8-9 months, and as my uni course ends (and for financial reasons) it really has to be granted around May/June 2015. So can anyone confirm it is currently 8/9 months?


My second question: We have not planned our wedding at all yet. We are still in two minds whether it should be in Aus or to go overseas somewhere, but we didn't want to put down certain plans until visa is granted so we could be 100% sure about dates. As it's required to have a NOIM how does this work if you want to marry overseas? Is it certain that you MUST have confirmed plans or is there anything else we can provide as evidence?


I am currently in Aus for another month as we have been house hunting, but I was wondering if we decide to marry in Aus would my OH be able to employ the services of a celebrant and lodge a NOIM without me being here, or do we have to do it together while I'm here?


This whole process is so expensive and complicated :wacko:


Thanks for any wise words, much appreciated in advance.

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Nope. As of about a week ago or so, they upped the wait time to 10-14 months, I'm afraid. Your OH can lodge a NOIM without you there. You just will have to sign it once you're back in Aus. I would pick a wedding date, get the NOIM filled out with that date, but don't actually book anything that you can't get refunded until you have your visa in hand. I know it's hard (I did it myself) but you don't want to have to completely reschedule your wedding if for some reason processing time doesn't go as planned.

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To save time as such pick a reasonable date maybe after the visa would be lodged we picked may just for the co's paperwork but he asked for a new one with a differebt date as i wouldnt be there!! My oh picked viva events im not sure if there all over oz im off to brisbane,,, i really got myself in a tiz with my pmv visa but now its all done it was so easy lol good luck with ur process patience is the key ;)

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