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Migration and illnesses


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I'm wondering if someone could help me please. I have been unwell for quite some time and I am still waiting to be diagnosed but it's thought that I have POTS syndrome. It's not something that's hugely well known. Is there anyway that I can find out if this could prevent me from emigrating in the future? If anyone has any advice or knows how I could find out I would be so grateful.


Thank you


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The only way to get a definitive answer is to go through the process as decisions are made on a case by case basis. However, if you do come to applying you could certainly contact a migration agent with specialism in medical matters, George Lombard is the usual recommendation in these cases. If the condition is one that requires expensive care then yes it could be a problem.


Do you know if you otherwise qualify for a visa?

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You might be better off applying and do your medical before anything is diagnosed... just thinking out loud here. I agree contacting George Lombard is going to be your best bet. It's entirely dependent on what they calculate the cost of your care will be. More than $35,000 over a five-year period and it is likely to be a problem.

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Thank you both so much for your replies. It was pretty much guaranteed that I could get a visa up until rules changed on July 1st. I am now unable to do my job anyway as I'm a hairdresser and I now can't stand for long without almost fainting. So I have had to give up my job. My partner has been told he will certainly be able to get a visa in a couple of years though. So I am way ahead of myself but twice now I have gone to apply for a visa and have been heartbroken due to rules changing or not having enough experience at the time etc. I just don't want to be keeping my hopes up to find out in a couple of years time that we can't get out there. I was out there on a working holiday visa before I became unwell so only managed to spend 5months there, I had a sponsorship lined up and everything. Completely broke me having to come home. I can't even bare the thought of not being able to live out there again. So this is why I am wondering so much in advance.


Thanks again :-)

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Thank you both so much for your replies. It was pretty much guaranteed that I could get a visa up until rules changed on July 1st. I am now unable to do my job anyway as I'm a hairdresser and I now can't stand for long without almost fainting. So I have had to give up my job. My partner has been told he will certainly be able to get a visa in a couple of years though. So I am way ahead of myself but twice now I have gone to apply for a visa and have been heartbroken due to rules changing or not having enough experience at the time etc. I just don't want to be keeping my hopes up to find out in a couple of years time that we can't get out there. I was out there on a working holiday visa before I became unwell so only managed to spend 5months there, I had a sponsorship lined up and everything. Completely broke me having to come home. I can't even bare the thought of not being able to live out there again. So this is why I am wondering so much in advance.


Thanks again :-)


Not the point on this thread, but I am curious as to what rule changed on 1st July that meant you were unable to apply for a visa?


I have just had a very quick read on POTS syndrome, it seems like it is something that can improve with the right treatment or lifestyle changes. Perhaps you do need to take the next year or two to focus on your health and then maybe you will be in a better position to apply later. But do have that migration agent consultation before you spend money on a visa application.


Good luck.

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Not the point on this thread, but I am curious as to what rule changed on 1st July that meant you were unable to apply for a visa?


I have just had a very quick read on POTS syndrome, it seems like it is something that can improve with the right treatment or lifestyle changes. Perhaps you do need to take the next year or two to focus on your health and then maybe you will be in a better position to apply later. But do have that migration agent consultation before you spend money on a visa application.


Good luck.


Sorry I should have explained better, because the years of experience needed changed and I can't work now to get the rest of the experience needed.


Thank you, yes I will be concentrating on my health for the next couple of years, it can be managed but can flare up again at any time and it's something you have for life. But it's mainly managed with exercise and medication so I'm hoping it won't cost too much and won't stop me getting back to Australia in the future.


I will be taking your advice, thank you so much :-)

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