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import vehicle forms sent....how long to wait??


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I have filled in the required forms on-line as well as uploading all the relevant documents so that we can take our motocross bikes to Australia with us but because we couldn't decide on a removal company we didn't have the letter to send with the application!! we have now decided on the removal company and sent all the docs off but we have been told that it could take up to 20 working days for us to get the docs we need to import the bikes but the problem we have is the container will be arriving in 19 days!!!!

has anyone had the forms through quicker??

Lou x

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I have filled in the required forms on-line as well as uploading all the relevant documents so that we can take our motocross bikes to Australia with us but because we couldn't decide on a removal company we didn't have the letter to send with the application!! we have now decided on the removal company and sent all the docs off but we have been told that it could take up to 20 working days for us to get the docs we need to import the bikes but the problem we have is the container will be arriving in 19 days!!!!

has anyone had the forms through quicker??

Lou x


Hi Lou. We submitted our forms online on 24 July 2014 and received an email with the import approval on 7 August 2014. Ours wasn't a straight forward application so I was surprised to see it come back so quickly. Hopefully that bodes well for your timing and you get with a few days to spare.

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