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ACS Reassessment??


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Hi Guys,



My problem is related to ACS reassessment for one work experience judged as not closely related. I applied to be assessed under 261311 (Analyst Programmer), my latest experience of 3 years 1 month has been assessed to be suitable with this ANZSCO however the problem is with my prior experience of 2 years in another company.

Being a small-sized company the job roles were limited and more job duties were performed. My Job title was Project Coordinator but i had been performing almost 70-80% of the job responsibilities of Analyst Programmer and thats what my experience letter said as well.



However it has not been assessed as closely related to 261311 (Analyst Programmer) and i want to get this reviewed.

My queries are:

What are generally the chances of positive review?

What evidence in my case would be suitable? Does a detailed revised experience letter stating job roles in detail from same company helps?



Any other suggestions are welcome!!




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I was in a similar situation whereby my current job is in a small company and I was on paper the "IT Manager", but actually I performed the task of software lead as well. Therefore for my ACS assessment, as I had opted for Developer Programmer as my skill, I had to ensure that the skills highlighted in my work reference were in keeping with the software side of things, and less focussed on the management stuff I did (which was exactly how the actual job I do works anyway).


I think it must come down to the references provided and how well they highlighted the job was in fact related (or in this case, not). Not sure how you would tackle this other than getting another reference perhaps? On that note, however, you would have made sure the references all pointed towards your skill as per the SOL information, though?


So I guess what I'm unclear on is how it could have been deemed unrelated, unless it truly is (or at least was, on paper via your references).

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Thanks Pete for the response.


I highlighted the skills keeping in mind the category i was hoping to be assessed for. However it has not been listed as suitable.


What could possibly be the way forward now, Would a Review including new Reference be acceptable?


I learned that Appeal could also be lodged but you can't submitt additional documents with appeal.



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