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Please Help Urgently.....


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I have worked in Australia for 1 year out of which 45 days I have worked in Sydney and remaining in Melbourne Victoria.

I have filed SS for Victoria and got below mail . Can anyone let me know what reply I should give carefully?



Thank you for your application for Victorian Government nomination under the 190 - Skilled Nominated visa scheme.

We note from the application that you have previously lived in New South Wales. In being nominated by the Victorian Government under the 190 - Skilled Nominated visa scheme, you are required to commit to living and working in Victoria for two years.

In order to finalise your application, you are required to provide a written statement (via email) explaining why you would like to live and work in Victoria. In your statement you should address:

Why you would prefer to live in Victoria instead of the state/territory in which you previously lived

Why you do not want to live in the state/territory in which you previously lived

Your professional prospects in Victoria compared to the other states/territories

If we do not receive this statement within one month the file will be closed.

We look forward to your response.




Please let me know what kind of professional mail I should write to them?




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If you explain to them that the 45 days you spent in Sydney were just for work (I assume that's what they were for?) but that you consider Vic to be your home then I reckon you should be ok. Your best show of a commitment to the state is if you have a job already there or one lined up, include the contract/offer with the letter. I would also say why you love Vic and why it is home, give examples of how you have integrated into Vic and how settled you are there eg commitments other than work.


Good luck

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