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Pregnant and emigrating!


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Hi there,


So day after we booked our one way tickets I find out that I am pregnant. We're completely over the moon but struggling to find out what if any health care options are available to us in Australia for my condition.

I understand that there is a reciprocal health agreement between the UK and Australia but I am not sure what would be covered and as I am on a skilled 475 visa I would still have to pay. But how much? For what? My husband and I are both on this skilled state sponsored visa and I am the lead applicant.


All I urgently need is the standard healthcare checks and medical care throughout my pregnancy. I am only 5 weeks gone now and will be 12 weeks gone when we fly to Adelaide, so almost as soon as I get there I would need the first scan. We will get private medical cover when we arrive in Australia but regarding pregnancy we have been told that health insurance companies such as Bupa will not cover pregnancy until after 12 months, so sadly this is of no help. We've already delayed emigrating for 2 years as we had our first child when the visas came through originally and we've always wanted 2, but really don't want to delay the move again as we're not working and think that there will be better job opportunities in Australia. (this is probably another thread!)


I have never joined a forum of any sort in my life, but out of desperation I am hoping that someone out there (looks to the stars) can help! Please help and many thanks in advance

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I think it depends on the state you go to. In SA I know the public health system doesnt cover the 12 weeks scan and they only offer one at 20 weeks so if you want the 12 week one you have to pay for it independently (and set it up yourself). I am sorry I dont know anything about the 475 visa so cannot advise what you would have to pay for etc.


If you can google some hospitals around the area you plan on living in then perhaps look at their websites and in particular the maternity sections to see what they offer (and maybe even send emails to ask for information regarding what you would have to pay for given your visa status).


To be honest I think you get a better deal here in the UK when pregnant - free dental, free prescriptions, 12 week and 20 week scan free. I know you dont want to delay moving once again, but there are some factors which might make it the best thing to do (easier to get a British passport for your newborn, how difficult is it to add the newborn to the visa if you do wait it out?).


Congratulations on the pregnancy and good luck if you do decide to move and have the baby in Oz (even good luck if you decide to stay and wait it out here as well).

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Yes, bit more expense with pregnancy here.

Firstly, 12 week scan- pay for that. also have to pay for all blood tests and the glucose test.

once you have your medicare card, find a GP and you can do 'shared care' between the GP and midwife team etc. reciprocal covers most things- had my emergency caesar on it, no dramas, but no free prescriptions here or dental.

baby aftercare is also fairly limited but i didn't have one in the uk, only going by what friends said.

i'd still have one here though as the hospitals in general are better- no disrespect to uk hospitals, but obviously here, depending on where you live, there are less people in them. mostly they are of a good standard. i had a private room for 3 days and excellent nursing care.


the small expenses during pregnancy were not really noticed. back in the day we also got the baby bonus which more than made up for it. sadly that's now gone.


good luck!

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I'm 27 weeks pregnant and I haven't paid a penny. My 12 week scan, 20 week scan, blood tests, glucose test... All covered by Medicare, and I'm in SA.

I agreed to take part in a study and actually got paid $15 so I'm actually up. My gp bulk bills do not even any cost there.

My anti-natal classes, physio and breast feeding classes are all free. These depend on your hospital though.

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We're going to South Australia - Adelaide to be precise- would I be covered for all the scans and any tests i.e. for Downs and I had injections here in the UK as I have a rare blood type? What are elective things? Are these non standard things? I'm not clear, but many thanks for your reply:)

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I'm 27 weeks pregnant and I haven't paid a penny. My 12 week scan, 20 week scan, blood tests, glucose test... All covered by Medicare, and I'm in SA.

I agreed to take part in a study and actually got paid $15 so I'm actually up. My gp bulk bills do not even any cost there.

My anti-natal classes, physio and breast feeding classes are all free. These depend on your hospital though.


This is absolutely amazing Blossom- well done you:) I probably won't have a choice of hospital but what one have you been attending? We really love The Grange area in Adelaide so will probably head around there to live. Many thanks for your messages

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Yes, bit more expense with pregnancy here.

Firstly, 12 week scan- pay for that. also have to pay for all blood tests and the glucose test.

once you have your medicare card, find a GP and you can do 'shared care' between the GP and midwife team etc. reciprocal covers most things- had my emergency caesar on it, no dramas, but no free prescriptions here or dental.

baby aftercare is also fairly limited but i didn't have one in the uk, only going by what friends said.

i'd still have one here though as the hospitals in general are better- no disrespect to uk hospitals, but obviously here, depending on where you live, there are less people in them. mostly they are of a good standard. i had a private room for 3 days and excellent nursing care.


the small expenses during pregnancy were not really noticed. back in the day we also got the baby bonus which more than made up for it. sadly that's now gone.


good luck!


Many thanks for your reply - out of interest roughly how much are the things you have to pay for? How much is a scan or a blood test? Great news regarding excellent hospitals too

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Thanks for your advise. Not sure whether my reply I wrote a minute ago actually showed up - I am probably making a complete mess of this forum as I have never partaken in one! Anyway regarding staying in the UK- that isn't really an option. We have really tried to make it work here but unfortunately both our professions are London based and for us London is a 6 hour trip. We just don't have a good quality of life and currently neither of us is working. Also I have wanted to live in Australia for 20 years and visited on numerous occasions, so it all feels right. But nothings ever easy ay! :)

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This is absolutely amazing Blossom- well done you:) I probably won't have a choice of hospital but what one have you been attending? We really love The Grange area in Adelaide so will probably head around there to live. Many thanks for your messages

You don't get to choose your hospital in sa (if public). You phone a number and they will allocate you one. It's all done by which is closest. I've been going to flinders. You have to go to a gp and get referred for the nt scan, but you might not have time to get that done. You have to be under 13 weeks and most places have a waiting list for that test. You would be better off coming a bit earlier or a bit later and having it in the uk.

If you do come earlier, you can go to any places, not just the one on the referral. The repat hospital bulk bills for both the bloods and the scan. You can't book in until you have your referral though.

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