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Not sure aout tax in oz

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My husband and I have been permanent residents for 2 years and have been sent a tax return form

We only have our English pen, sions and a small Irish pension which we already pay tax on at source.

Do we have to pay tax here, I didn't think that you can be taxed twice on the same income.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Ann & Roy.

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Thank you Notts. I am just so upset that we have to pay tax here. We came on cpvs and it cost us nearly $200.000 plus a bond of $14000. We have to rent over here as it took all our savings plus the sale of our own house to find the money for the move. We have only got a medicare card and cannot apply for a Pensioner card until we have been here for 10 years by which time we will both be 80yrs old. And probably living in a tent :-(.

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Thank you Notts. I am just so upset that we have to pay tax here. We came on cpvs and it cost us nearly $200.000 plus a bond of $14000. We have to rent over here as it took all our savings plus the sale of our own house to find the money for the move. We have only got a medicare card and cannot apply for a Pensioner card until we have been here for 10 years by which time we will both be 80yrs old. And probably living in a tent :-(.

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My husband and I have been permanent residents for 2 years and have been sent a tax return form

We only have our English pen, sions and a small Irish pension which we already pay tax on at source.

Do we have to pay tax here, I didn't think that you can be taxed twice on the same income.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Ann & Roy.


Check the Tax Treaty provisions, as for permanent visa holders who are tax resident in Australia a UK source pension should not be subject to any tax under the Treaty arrangements between the UK and Australia - the pension is wholly taxable in Australia.


If you have been in Australia for 2 years you should have completed a 2013 Aus tax return, as well as needing to complete one for 2014.


In case of need: http://www.gmtax.com.au/individuals/


Best regards.

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I am not sure what sort of pension you have in Ireland. Is it a Public service pension or a private pension. If you dont live there any more crazy to being paying tax there.


You might be able to get a "PAYE Exclusion Order" in Ireland. This would stop the deduction of PAYE, PRSI, USC charges etc from any payment. You would then have to declare this for tax purposes in Australia.

This could be worth looking into. Hope this helps.

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Thank you Notts. I am just so upset that we have to pay tax here. We came on cpvs and it cost us nearly $200.000 plus a bond of $14000. We have to rent over here as it took all our savings plus the sale of our own house to find the money for the move. We have only got a medicare card and cannot apply for a Pensioner card until we have been here for 10 years by which time we will both be 80yrs old. And probably living in a tent :-(.


It was obviously your choice to spend the money on a CPV, not sure why it cost $200k though, did you bring two children? The high cost of the CPV is because you have not paid tax during the majority of your working life, but we all tend to use resources more as we age and health issues start to emerge. So it is a bit of a catch up, but it still means you are subject to the same tax rules as anyone else. Why is paying tax here worse than paying tax in the UK anyway?

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Hi. We are permanent residents on parent visas and have been in Oz for just over two years. Our total income is from UK pensions which are paid into a UK bank account which I then transfer to our Oz bank account every month. We pay no UK tax on these pensions but have to pay Oz tax on them. We are both 70 yrs old but can not claim any Oz benefits until we have been here for ten years e.g. rent allowance, seniors and pensioners tax offset etc. so we only have the basic tax allowance of $18,200 each and pay tax on the amount over this.

Is anyone else in the same position who can let me know if I am missing anything or is this correct.





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