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Can my job transfer me to a different state though I am on a state sponsorship visa(SC-190)?


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Dear all,


I am a Victoria state sponsored(190 subclass) permanent resident living in Melbourne. I have my offices across Australia viz., Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide. If my job requires me to go and work in a different state, what are the implications on my state sponsored visa?

Do I have to inform the state about this? If not, what are the repercussions?


Also, could you please let me know, what are the reasons for a state to ask a visa grantee to stay in the same state for at least 2 years? How does the state benefit from it?


Thanks in advance for your answers.




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Guest The Pom Queen

I've moved your thread to the migration issues forum where hopefully you will get more help.

i am not an agent but AFAIK yes you can move state.

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