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Has anyone tried to take sea shells into Australia, either in the shipping container or in hand luggage? Did customs let them through & did they need fumigating? If so, how much did it cost?


We have a small collection that we would like to take with us but we're getting different stories from the removals companies - one said no, one said yes, another said we'd have to varnish them and another said take in hand luggage on the plane. As far as I can tell, hand luggage is subject to the same DAFF restrictions as shipping by sea so I'm not sure how this helps....



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You can definitely bring them in your hand luggage - just declare them (I did this last week from Bali). They don't like you bringing them in your container or anything else like food stuffs, wine that you can bring in your hand luggage. One reason is that they have to find the items listed in the container, secondly they don't know where you obtained them from and can't ask you the questions that they can ask you in person.



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I've got shells collected by my kids ( not that many, just a few with good memories) and a lovely wind chime. So stick them in my cabin bag when we fly over and it should be ok?


Absolutely - just remember to declare them. I had about 50 shells and coral I collected off the beach plus a few bigger shells I has bought, I declared them but the customs officer just sent me through the green channel (probably due to the 2 planes from China that landed at the same time).



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